Product Code:
548029 (DVD)
978-1-60554-802-9 (DVD)
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Published by Redleaf Press

Understand proper contract and policy procedures and protect your business.

Tom Copeland, attorney, author, trainer and advocate for the business side of family child care, has been working for many years as a consultant helping family child care providers be more successful as a business. Now, in addition to Tom’s many books in the Redleaf Business Series for family child care providers, Redleaf Press is offeringThe Business of Family Child Care: Contracts and PoliciesDVD.

Most family child care providers would rather care for children than write and enforce contracts and policies. But, taking care of the children is only half of the job. The other half is taking care of business, and contracts and policies are an important part of running a business. This video can help you understand how to establish a good business relationship with the families you serve by creating clear contracts and policies and enforcing them fairly.

Permission is granted for use of the DVD by one individual family child care provider, program director, trainer, or college educator presenting the material in an in-person setting for a max audience of five people. For licensing options to have a large group (6+) training contact, or call 1-800-423-8309.

Close-captioned. Run time 108 minutes.

About Tom Copeland

Tom Copeland is the nation’s leading expert on the business of family child care. A renowned tax and child care business specialist and licensed attorney, Tom received his BA from Macalester College, more..