Product Code:
544847 (Softbound)
544854 (e-book)
978-1-60554-484-7 (Softbound)
978-1-60554-485-4 (e-book)
Age Focus: 0-8
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Published by Redleaf Press

Provide support for spiritual development—a system of beginning with love, nurturing relationships, and positive self-awareness

Inspiring Wonder, Awe, and Empathy offers a series of thoughtful practices for child care providers to nurture a child’s spiritual development—an extension of social-emotional learning. The book helps educators introduce young children to a system that begins with love and leads to a strong sense of self, ignites wonder and learning, and allows for the emergence of empathy that leads to personal wholeness.

You can provide support and strengthen children’s:
  • self-awareness through deep connections
  • social awareness
  • pro-social behaviors, such as kindness, caring, empathy, and reverence

Spiritual development moments help children to grow, explore, play, and ask big questions.

156 pages

About Deborah Schein

Dr. Deborah Schein has been an early childhood educator since 1972. She has a BS in psychology from the University of Southern California at Santa Barbara, a master’s degree in education with a focus more..