184 pages.
“Wow! What an attractive and eminently practical book. Lisa Daly provides lavish photographic examples of how to transform early childhood play yards and home backyards. It's easy to say, 'I want one of those' and understand how you could create one of those spaces easily and economically. It's a feast of good ideas.” —David Sobel, author of The Sky Above and the Mud Below and Nature Preschools and Forest Kindergartens, professor emeritus in the Education Department at Antioch University New England in Keene, New Hampshire.
“What Lisa Daly brings to the environments is truly transforming in so many ways. Lisa can create learning rich environments where children and adults are able to create their own imaginations at every turn. The environments she creates has changed the quality of our family childcare homes, the homes cultivate exploration for the children and the providers. Providers have learned to understand what children need and how to incorporate it into their homes. I have watched providers regain a spark for teaching by transforming their learning environments. Lisa is an incredible wealth of knowledge and her passion for transforming environments is contagious.” —Clara Nakai, Coordinator Early Head Start/ Family Child Care Homes, Modesto City Schools, Early Childhood Education