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Giants in the Nursery: A Biographical History of Developmentally Appropriate Practice
Author: David Elkind
(1 review)
Price: $17.97
Giants in the Nursery examines the evolution of developmentally appropriate practice in this biographical history of early childhood education. This book, from David Elkind, explores the theory's progression—from its beginnings in writing...
Hearing All Voices: Culturally Responsive Coaching in Early Childhood
Price: $24.95
Hearing All Voices offers a culturally responsive coaching framework that supports educators in understanding the importance of equity in their interactions with children and families.
High-Quality Early Childhood Programs: The What, Why, and How
Price: $32.95
Early childhood experts Laura J. Colker and Derry Koralek offer detailed descriptions of what one should see in high-quality programs (and why) to provide a strong foundation of child development knowledge and principles translated into pr...
Honoring the Moment in Young Children's Lives: Observation, Documentation, and Reflection
Author: Ron Grady
Price: $26.95
Honor the moments you spend with young children with a deeper understanding of their perspective and whole selves and use the unique position of educator to translate children’s moments, both ordinary and extraordinary, for their families and communi...
I Like Myself: Fostering Positive Racial Identity in Young Black Children
Price: $29.95
I Like Myself provides lesson planning insights and academic activities that are designed to facilitate positive racial identity in Black children. Supplementing and complementing any curriculum, this critical resource provides information across soc...
Identifying & Creating Child Centered Environments DVD
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $79.00
This workshop provides an in-depth exploration of the nine points within the framework of Lisa Murphy’s approach to working with children. Via interactive lecture, true-to-life examples, anecdotes, and Lisa’s signature “learning and laughing...
I'm OK! Building Resilience through Physical Play
Author: Jarrod Green
Price: $24.95
Children must learn to pick themselves up, brush themselves off, and bounce back. But how do you allow for the physicality required to build resilience when you are tasked with children’s safety? This guide provides the tools and strategi...
Inclusion Includes Us: Building Bridges and Removing Barriers to Include All Children and Adults in Early Childhood Classrooms
Author: Mike Huber
Price: $24.95
Creating an inclusive early childhood environment is more than adapting interactions and the learning environment to help specific children. Inclusion Includes Us seeks to replace barriers between early childhood educators and their students with an ...
Individualized Child-Focused Curriculum: A Differentiated Approach
Author: Gaye Gronlund
Price: $27.97
How do you focus on each individual child in a full classroom? Learn to integrate individualized curriculum into daily practice with this step-by-step guide. Even good observers and documenters do not always use these insights to inform the...
Inspiring Wonder, Awe, and Empathy: Spiritual Development in Young Children
Author: Deborah Schein
Price: $17.97
Inspiring Wonder, Awe, and Empathy offers a series of best practices for child care providers to nurture a child’s spiritual development—an extension of social-emotional learning. The book helps educators introduce young children to a syste...
Just Play: Inspiring Adult Play in Early Education
Price: $29.95
Play is crucial in adulthood because it fosters adaptiveness, creativity, role rehearsal, and mind-body integration. Just Play specifically targets adults' play and explains how the adults' shift toward creativity can influence children. If adults...
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