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Displaying 229 - 240 of 319 results
Author: Kate Alizadeh
Price: $16.95
Sssh! Listen, what s that noise? Each room in a house has different noises and in this book the text and visual clues help a child experience the home through sound, which will be familiar to those children who are blind or partially sighted. Feature...
The Apple Demo (DVD)
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $18.95
This DVD will give you a quick comparison of four classrooms: one using real apples, one using plastic apples, one using a coloring sheet of an apple, and one using a flashcard of the word apple. This demonstration illustrates how language devel...
Creating Young Expert Learners: Universal Design for Learning in Preschool and Kindergarten
Price: $24.95
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework for theproactive design of classroom instruction, with anemphasis on meeting the needs of all learners in the classroom.With three principles at its core: multiple means ofengagement, representation,...
ArtMaking: Using Picture Books to Read Our World
Price: $39.95
In ArtMaking children are invited to "read their worlds" as they learn about images, explore materials and elements of art (color, lines, shapes, textures, spaces, design) and communicate their thinking through their own art processes and products. A...
Individualized Child-Focused Curriculum: A Differentiated Approach
Author: Gaye Gronlund
Price: $27.97
How do you focus on each individual child in a full classroom? Learn to integrate individualized curriculum into daily practice with this step-by-step guide. Even good observers and documenters do not always use these insights to inform the...
Moving & Learning with Your Child (Set of 25)
Author: Rae Pica
Price: $24.95
Movement guru Rae Pica is known for her creative approaches to movement and learning with children from birth through elementary school and beyond. Research has proven that learning and movement are closely linked in childhood development. ...
Who's in My Family? All About Families
Author: Robie H. Harris   Illustrated by: Nadine Bernard Westcott
Price: $17.95
Join Nellie and Gus and their family—plus all manner of other families—for a day at the zoo, where they see animal families galore! To top off their day, Nellie and Gus invite friends and relatives for a fun dinner at home. Accessible, hu...
My Mouth is a Volcano
Author: Julia Cook   Illustrated by: Carrie Hartman
Price: $10.95
All of Louis thoughts are very important to him. In fact, his thoughts are so important to him that when he has something to say, his words begin to wiggle, and then they do the jiggle, then his tongue pushes all of his important words up against his...
Jugar conmigo cuando tengo tres anos
Author: Deborah McNelis
Price: $12.95
Use these ideas to enhance three-year-olds' brain development and support their learning. Information on how these attentive and fun interactions help a child's brain develop is also included. Brain Insights activity cards are compact and portable, m...
Makerspaces: Remaking Your Play and STEAM Early Learning Areas
Price: $34.95
Makerspaces is a first-to-market resource for early childhood professionals that focuses on how to cultivate the maker mind-set in the youngest learners, how to engage young children in maker-centered learning, design and introduce makerspaces, and h...
Infants: Cognitive Development DVD
Price: $77.32
Infants' brains are actively developing with everything they experience. Examine how newborns fit into the sensorimotor stage—tracing cognitive development from simple reflexes to beginnings of thought. Explore infant intelligence, informa...
Roaring Rockets (Boardbook)
Author: Tony Mitton   Illustrated by: Ant Parker
Price: $6.95
Rockets have power. They rise and roar. This rocket's waiting, ready to soar. Rockets carry astronauts with cool, white suits oxygen helmets and gravity boots. Blast off with more out-of-this-world couplets! This time it is machines that fly. In brig...