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Displaying 253 - 264 of 313 results
Growing, Growing Strong Set (5 books)
Price: $59.95
Help children develop lifelong healthy habits with this whole-health curriculum. This set includes one copy each of Body Care, Fitness and Nutrition, Safety, Social and Emotional Well-Being, and Community and Environment. Five softbound books; 88...
Balancing Brain Stimulation for Preschoolers: Too Little? Too Much? Just Right! [cards]
Author: Deborah McNelis
Price: $12.95
Practical and useful information on how to balance brain stimulation in preschoolers. Age Focus: 3-5 years Ring Bound, 40 cards Full Color
Practical Solutions to Practically Every Problem, Third Edition: The Survival Guide for Early Childhood Professionals
Author: Steffen Saifer
Price: $34.95
An encyclopedic how-to-guide for the universal early childhood program problems, this book provides solutions to every possible problem faced by early childhood teachers—before you encounter them. This classic resource has been u...
Those Mean Nasty Icky Sticky Set
Price: $26.95
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Making Adjustments: Meditations on Learning with Children
Price: $17.95
Making Adjustments is a thoughtful and welcoming invitation to be present with children and with ourselves. Through her attentive and playful eye, Misa Okayama helps us see what is possible in our work - in our moments - with young children. Opportun...
Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System (AEPS) Curriculum for Birth to Three Years
Price: $42.22
Used after the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System (AEPS) Test is completed and scored, this developmentally sequenced curriculum allows you to match the child's IFSP/IEP goals and objectives with activity-based interventions-beginning wi...
Infant-Toddler Social Studies: Activities to Develop a Sense of Self
Author: Carla B. Goble
Price: $24.95
As infants become toddlers, their expanding sense of self and growing motor, language, and cognitive skills provide opportunities for learning more about the physical and social world around them. This book is a valuable resource for advancing a...
Teaching Off Trail: My Classroom's Nature Transformation through Play
Author: Peter Dargatz
Price: $24.95
Teaching Off Trail describes the transformation of Peter Dargatz, a national board-certified teacher, and public school coordinator, from an anxious assessor and worksheet distributor to a fair and fun facilitator of learning while in the same public...
Play: The Pathway from Theory to Practice
Price: $29.95
Read a sample chapter and the table of contents from this book! Download Checklist and Planning Form Play skills are life skills that stay with children throughout their growing years. They are vital to the overall healthy development of childr...
Ooey Gooey® Squishy Plop! DVD
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $79.00
This one-of-a-kind workshop will supply you with six tables of hands-on art, science, and sensory play activity ideas as well as the “wolf words” that support their use in your classroom. Special features include a self test, handout, and certi...
Infant-Toddler Developmental Assessment 2nd Edition (IDA-2)
Price: $376.00
Basic IDA Kit (without manipulatives and carrying case) Includes: Administration Manual, Foundations and Study Guide, Supplemental Reading Manual, 25 Parent Report Forms, 25 Health Record Guides, and 25 Record Forms. IDA-2 is a comprehensive, mu...