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Guidance for Every Child: Teaching Young Children to Manage Conflict
Author: Dan Gartrell
Price: $29.95
Never give up on any child. Tying together the theory and developmentally appropriate strategies of child guidance and behavior, this book provides you with best practices for teaching children healthy social-emotional behavior and conflict man...
Responding to Behavior
Price: $21.95
Children learn what is acceptable and what is not by testing the behavioral boundaries. One of the most important goals in the early childhood classroom is helping children learn appropriate social norms and self-control. Even with an environmen...
Practical Solutions to Practically Every Problem, Third Edition: The Survival Guide for Early Childhood Professionals
Author: Steffen Saifer
Price: $34.95
An encyclopedic how-to-guide for the universal early childhood program problems, this book provides solutions to every possible problem faced by early childhood teachers—before you encounter them. This classic resource has been u...
A Guidance Guide for Early Childhood Leaders: Strengthening Relationships with Children, Families, and Colleagues
Author: Dan Gartrell
Price: $27.95
In this follow-up to Guidance for Every Child, author Dan Gartrell, EdD, expands on the advice broached in that book - that children need guidance rather than discipline. Guidance is teaching for healthy emotional and social development. On a day-to-...
Words Are Not for Hurting/Las palabras no son para lastimar
Author: Martine Agassi   Illustrated by: Marieka Heinlen
Price: $9.95
Words Are Not for Hurting/Las palabras no son para lastimar helps little ones learn big ideas: that they are responsible for what they do and say, that their actions and words affect others, and that they can make positive choices. Simple words and d...
The Kindness Curriculum, Second Edition: Stop Bullying Before it Starts
(1 review)
Price: $26.95
Bullying is a widespread and concerning issue that affects children of all ages. Focusing on character education in the early years, The Kindness Curriculum, Second Edition, aims to prevent bullying before it starts. Use this comprehensive framewo...
Focused Portfolios: A Complete Assessment for the Young Child, Second Edition
Price: $39.95
Newly updated with current best practices in observation and assessment using portfolios. Age Focus: 0-5 years Softbound, 272 pages
Embracing Rough-and-Tumble Play: A Family Companion [25 pack]
Author: Mike Huber
Price: $24.95
Help families learn about the importance of rough and tumble play for all children. This companion to Embracing Rough-and-Tumble Play will help families feel more comfortable with physical play and their children’s safety. Pamphlet, 12 pgs. Pa...
ROW Collection Set
Price: $138.95
The Reimagining Our Work (ROW) collection is a series of stories written by early childhood educators that illuminate the pedagogical approach described in the foundational text From Teaching to Thinking.
Have You Filled a Bucket Today? A Guide to Daily Hapiness for Kids
Price: $10.95
This heartwarming book encourages positive behavior by using the concept of an invisible bucket to show children how easy and rewarding it is to express kindness, appreciation and love by "filling buckets." 32 pages
Developing Social Competency in Young Children
Price: $20.97
Teach young children to navigate the seven Cs of social competency: communication, community building, coping, confidence, conflict resolution, control, and curiosity. Age focus: 0–8 192 pages
Yoga and Mindfulness for Young Children: Poses for Play, Learning, and Peace
Price: $26.95
Yoga isn’t just the physical poses. Yoga and Mindfulness for Young Children explains the physical and social-emotional benefits of incorporating yoga into early childhood classrooms. Age focus 2–8. Softbound. 168 pages.
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