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Celebrate! 2nd Edition: An Anti-Bias Guide to Including Holidays in Early Childhood Programs
Author: Julie Bisson
Price: $24.95
Since demographics have changed in early childhood programs, questions of how, when, and which holidays to celebrate have also become more complex and controversial. This guide provides educators with a toolbox for developing inclusive po...
Practical Solutions to Practically Every Problem, Third Edition: The Survival Guide for Early Childhood Professionals
Author: Steffen Saifer
Price: $34.95
An encyclopedic how-to-guide for the universal early childhood program problems, this book provides solutions to every possible problem faced by early childhood teachers—before you encounter them. This classic resource has been u...
Look and Cook for Family Child Care Homes
Price: $29.95
This step-by-step guide is a great solution for any busy child care program wanting to ensure compliance with the USDA Food Program while minimizing the burden on staff and preparing food children will actually enjoy.
Saving Play: Addressing Standards through Play-Based Learning in Preschool and Kindergarten
Price: $34.95
Play, academics, and standards can work together with the right strategies and support from educators. Take an active role in child-directed play to guide learning. Become a strong advocate for saving play in early childhood education. This boo...
Child Care Director's Complete Guide: What You Need to Manage and Lead
Price: $39.95
Use this step-by-step guide to become an effective and successful child care director or administrator in today’s early childhood and school age programs. With interviews gathered from 32 program directors across the U.S., this book is a c...
Teaching in the Digital Age for Preschool and Kindergarten: Enhancing Curriculum with Technology
Author: Brian Puerling
Price: $27.97
Teaching in the Digital Age for Preschool and Kindergarten guides teachers toward integrating technology across the curriculum so it can have an authentic, meaningful, and developmentally appropriate impact on children’s exploration and learn...
Twelve Essential Topics in Early Childhood: A Year of Professional Development for Staff Meetings
Price: $49.95
Now anyone involved in the professional development of others in early childhood can prepare a full year of high-quality meetings and experiences. Twelve Essential Topics in Early Childhood includes an agenda and outline for each topic, along...
Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale 3rd Edition
Price: $28.95
Building on extensive feedback from the field as well as vigorous new research on how best to support infant and toddler development and learning, the authors have revised and updated the widely used Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale. ITERS-...
Early Childhood Staff Orientation Guide [set of 3]
Author: Sharon Bergen
Price: $39.95
Orientation to a new position, classroom, or an entirely new program is an opportunity to start off on the right foot. Working with children is fun, but also complex and requires knowledge of health and safety practices, child development, gui...
Early Childhood Staff Orientation Guide Set
Author: Sharon Bergen
Price: $49.95
This set includes one each of the following titles: Early Childhood Staff Orientation Guide, Facilitators Edition Valuable tools and tips for the professional welcoming new employees to their organization. The companion to the Early Childhood...
Nature-Based Learning for Young Children: Anytime, Anywhere, on Any Budget
Price: $34.95
Increase opportunities for nature-based education in any early childhood program, regardless of climate, region, budget, or experience. Age Focus: 2-5 years Softbound, 240 pgs Available October 2018
Redleaf Complete Forms Kit for Both Family Child Care and Center-Based Programs, Revised Edition
Price: $24.95
More than 230 of the most professionally presented, child care forms, all that can be customized, to save you hours of time. CD-ROM
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