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Open-Ended Art for Young Children
Price: $29.95
Authors Dr. Tracy Galuski and Dr. Mary Ellen Bardsley present the challenges teachers encounter when faced with best practices and expectations related to art process and product. Each chapter begins with a classroom vignette that describes the c...
Pedagogical Documentation in Early Childhood: Sharing Children's Learning and Teacher's Thinking, 2nd Edition
Author: Susan Stacey
Price: $39.95
Pedagogical Documentation in Early Childhood is an inspiring step-by-step guide to documenting children's ideas, questions, play, and learning in a way that enhances teachers' thinking and understanding at the same time. This book supports teachers o...
PLAYbook: Everyday Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers
Author: Terrie Rose
Price: $699.95
PLAYbook translates the most current research and best-practice strategies into predictable daily activities. And it is aligned with early learning standards and assessment systems! PLAYbook organizes your classroom and your child care center. I...
Really Seeing Children
Author: Deb Curtis
Price: $33.95
Deb Curtis has cultivated a reflective teaching practice devoted to really seeing children. Through her collection of stories and photographs, learn to suspend your adult agenda to really see children’s perspectives and the amazing ways they experien...
Reflecting Children's Lives, 2nd Edition: A Handbook for Planning Child-Centered Curriculum
Price: $34.95
Make the complex task of creating a child-centered curriculum easier with the practical guidelines and ideas in this updated and expanded handbook. Learn how to sharpen your observation and documentation skills, set up your space, and transform yo...
ROW Collection Set
Price: $138.95
The Reimagining Our Work (ROW) collection is a series of stories written by early childhood educators that illuminate the pedagogical approach described in the foundational text From Teaching to Thinking.
STEAM Concepts for Infants and Toddlers
Price: $39.95
STEAM’s goal is to support the native creativity and innovation that all young children possess. Infants and toddlers have a naturally curious mindset. Yet there is little literature for educators about how to use STEAM concepts in their practice...
StoryMaking: The Maker Movement Approach to Literacy for Early Learners
Price: $39.95
StoryMaking combines storytelling, the maker movement, the importance of play, and Reggio theory. It’s the practice of communicating in a variety of ways—language, gesture, images—over various systems—visual, audible, physical—and moving children...
The Diary of Laura: Perspectives on a Reggio Emilia Diary
Price: $24.95
An assemblage of affectionately written notes and photographs, Story of Laura, the original diary, chronicles the journey of one child's first months in an infant-toddler program in Reggio Emilia, Italy. It details the progression of eleven-month...
The Original Learning Approach: Weaving Together Playing, Learning, and Teaching in Early Childhood
Price: $29.95
The Original Learning Approach is a new reflective practice that can be applied to any pedagogical method, philosophy, or context. Influenced by the Reggio Emilia Approach and AnjiPlay, The Original Learning Approach facilitates observation, imitatio...
The Unscripted Classroom: Emergent Curriculum in Action
Author: Susan Stacey
Price: $29.95
Emergent curriculum encourages you to use creativity and flexibility as you respond to classroom challenges and children's interests. Filled with case studies and stories from toddler and preschool teachers about their experiences responding to ev...
Working in the Reggio Way: A Beginner's Guide for American Teachers
Author: Julianne P. Wurm   Forward: Celia Genishi
Price: $26.95
Read the table of contents or a sample chapter of this book! Are you curious about the Reggio Emilia approach but not quite sure where to begin? Working in the Reggio Way helps early childhood teachers bring the reflective, high-quality pra...
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