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Displaying 49 - 60 of 274 results
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Child/Home Early Language & Literacy Observation Tool
Price: $16.22
Child/Home Early Language and Literacy Observation (CHELLO) is the only observation tool specifically designed to rate the early literacy environment in home-based child care settings. A reliable, field-tested tool derived from the classroom-focus...
Children's Lively Minds: Schema Theory Made Visible
Price: $46.95
Clear, practical advice for adults observing children's cognitive development associated with schema theory.Age focus: 0–5224 pages
Complete Kindergarten Set
Price: $64.95
Includes one copy of Ready for Kindergarten 2nd Edition, 25 Getting Ready for Kindergarten booklets, and 5 I'm Going to Kindergarten! booklets.
Contracts and Policies: The Business of Family Child Care [DVD]
Author: Tom Copeland
Price: $49.95
Tom Copeland, attorney, author, trainer and advocate for the business side of family child care, has been working for many years as a consultant helping family child care providers be more successful as a business. Now, in addition to Tom’s many book...
Creating a Culture of Reflective Practice: The Role of Pedagogical Leadership in Early Childhood Programs
Price: $34.95
Creating a Culture of Reflective Practice: The Role of Pedagogical Leadership in Early Child Programs is a comprehensive practical look at creating systems, structures and protocols for supporting people in large and small organizations, individuals ...
Creating a Reggio-Inspired STEM Environment for Young Children Quick Guide
Price: $17.95
An easy-to-use guide to rethinking your early learning environment with a focus on STEM using the Reggio Emilia approach lens. 88 pages.
Creating Diversity-Rich Environments for Young Children
Price: $19.95
An easy-to-use guide that shows how early childhood professionals can create a positive and inclusive environment for children of all cultures. 88 pages
Creating Young Expert Learners: Universal Design for Learning in Preschool and Kindergarten
Price: $24.95
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework for theproactive design of classroom instruction, with anemphasis on meeting the needs of all learners in the classroom.With three principles at its core: multiple means ofengagement, representation,...
Creative Art with Young Children! DVD
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $39.00
In this workshop Lisa Murphy will defend a very strong process-oriented art position. After a discussion about what “process not product” really means, participants will have time to create with various media in order to reinforce the importanc...
Cultivating Professional Friendships in Early Childhood Education
Author: Diane Kashin
Price: $26.95
Early childhood educators are skilled in supporting and promoting children’s friendships. But adult professional friendships, sometimes known as critical friendships, are also integral to early childhood education, giving educators daily support and ...
Cup: A Vibrant Vessel of Learning and Creativity
Price: $17.95
Cup is part of the Reimagining Our Work (ROW) collection. Use the ROW collection to discover how early childhood educators in the field are reimagining their work and thinking alongside children.
Daily Reflections for Educators, Coaches, Leaders, and Life
Author: Constant Hine
Price: $29.95
This book offers twelve reflective themes for cultivating both personal and professional self-realization and becoming a transformational change agent who helps others do the same.
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