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Displaying 73 - 84 of 112 results
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Noisy Paint Box: The Colors of Sounds of Kandinsky's Abstract Art
Author: Barb Rosenstock   Illustrated by: Mary Grandpré
Price: $17.95
In this exuberant celebration of creativity, Barb Rosenstock and Mary GrandPré tell the fascinating story of Vasily Kandinsky, one of the very first painters of abstract art. Throughout his life, Kandinsky experienced colors as sounds, and sounds as ...
Changing the Game for Generation Alpha: Teaching and Raising Young Children in the 21st Century
Price: $24.95
Raising Generation Alpha Kids looks at how this generation of young children presents new opportunities and challenges, and supports and informs the two principal groups of adults in children’s lives—their families and early childhood educators.
Young Architects at Play: STEM Activities for Young Children
Author: Ann Gadzikowski
Price: $34.95
Througout the book, Ann Gadzikowski makes meaningful connections between STEM learning and the power of stories, both the children's own narratives as well as the rich diversity of stories and illustrations from children's literature.
What If Everybody Understood Child Development?
Author: Rae Pica
Price: $28.95
Learn about 29 topics critical to best practices in child development and education. Use the actionable insights from experts on topics such as Common Core, the self-esteem movement, and standardized testing. Start using what we know about child deve...
Why Temperament Matters: Guidance Strategies for Young Children
Author: Cindy Croft
Price: $32.95
Learn the nine temperament traits which influence a child’s behavior and strategies for meeting temperament needs that prevent or lessen challenging behaviors. 232 pages.
Exploring the 3-D World: Developing Spatial and Math Skills in Young Children
Price: $34.95
Help develop young children's spatial reasoning and math skills through play. 184 pages.
Creating a Reggio-Inspired STEM Environment for Young Children Quick Guide
Price: $17.95
An easy-to-use guide to rethinking your early learning environment with a focus on STEM using the Reggio Emilia approach lens. 88 pages.
The Play Prescription: Using Play to Support Internalizing Behaviors
Author: Aerial Liese
Price: $32.95
Supporting internalizing behaviors is an essential topic as we see a rise in anxiety, depression, and social withdrawal in young children.
StoryMakers on Deck: StoryMaking Activities with Loose Parts
Price: $12.95
The StoryMakers on Deck cards inspire educators and children to use simple materials to make stories and projects. 40 cards.
Makerspaces: Remaking Your Play and STEAM Early Learning Areas
Price: $34.95
Makerspaces is a first-to-market resource for early childhood professionals that focuses on how to cultivate the maker mind-set in the youngest learners, how to engage young children in maker-centered learning, design and introduce makerspaces, and h...
Kids Can Cope (8 book set)
Author: Gill Hasson   Illustrated by: Sarah Jennings
Price: $121.95
Transforming Your Outdoor Early Learning Environment
Author: Lisa Daly
Price: $44.95
Transforming Your Outdoor Early Learning Environment invites educators to reimagine and reconstruct their image of conventional children's play yards as they know them and to create beautiful outdoor learning spaces on a limited budget with natural e...
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