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Displaying 121 - 132 of 213 results
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Infant-Toddler Social Studies: Activities to Develop a Sense of Self
Author: Carla B. Goble
Price: $24.95
As infants become toddlers, their expanding sense of self and growing motor, language, and cognitive skills provide opportunities for learning more about the physical and social world around them. This book is a valuable resource for advancing a...
Emergent Curriculum in Early Childhood Settings 2nd Edition: From Theory to Practice
Author: Susan Stacey
Price: $32.95
Develop a curriculum inspired by children’s emerging interests. This book explores the components of emergent curriculum and how its practices can improve the educational culture of early childhood programs. The updated edition includes new inf...
PLAYbook: Everyday Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers
Author: Terrie Rose
Price: $699.95
PLAYbook translates the most current research and best-practice strategies into predictable daily activities. And it is aligned with early learning standards and assessment systems! PLAYbook organizes your classroom and your child care center. I...
My Little Blue Robot
Price: $19.95
This book is more than a book—it’s a robot waiting to be made! The sturdy, ultrathick cardboard pages contain all the necessary robot components as well as clear instructions for assembly. The flat pieces fit together with slots and tabs, which...
Even More Fizzle, Bubble, Pop & Wow!: Simple Science Experiments for Young Children
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $19.95
Excite young readers with more than 80 simple science experiments that promote learning in fun and unique ways. Each uses supplies that you probably already have in your classroom or kitchen. Age focus: 3–12 Softbound, 120 pgs
Redleaf FCC Curriculum Development Assessment Starter Set
Price: $19.95
This sets includes one of each of the following: The Redleaf Family Child Care Curriculum Developmental Assessment Revised Edition This revised edition lays out the milestones and provides space to record the dates when the child begins moving t...
Loose Parts 3: Inspiring Culturally Sustainable Environments
Price: $34.95
The next installment for the award-winning Loose Parts series offers inspiration and guidance on creating culturally sensitive and culturally sustainable early childhood environments. With the help of over 400 full-color photos, this book shows r...
Choose Your Words: Communicating with Young Children, Second Edition
Price: $22.95
Teachers support cognitive development through meaningful classroom conversations. This updated edition examines adult communication and its influence on children’s behavior and learning. Transform the language you use in the classroom to suppor...
Game On!: Screen-Free Fun for Children Two and Up
Price: $19.95
Today’s children are plugged in to an overabundance of fast-paced electronic games that promote individual play and connect young children to screens, not people. This book is a collection of screen-free, traditional games and activities for you...
Family Child Care Contracts and Policies, 4th Edition
Author: Tom Copeland
Price: $21.95
The fourth edition of the business classic Family Child Care Contract & Policies offers the most comprehensive, up-to-date tools for family child care providers to better communicate with parents and reduce conflicts, establish and enforce contra...
Graceful Leadership in Early Childhood Education
Price: $24.95
Former NAEYC board member and award-winning early childhood leader Ann McClain Terrell shares lessons she’s learned during her 35+ years in the field. In this book, she shares how she maintained her signature graceful approach to being a mo...
Everyone Needs Attention: Helping Young Children Thrive
Author: Tamar Jacobson
Price: $26.95
A guide for self-reflection and managing your emotions when young children seek attention. 168 pages
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