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Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 results
Recognizing Common Illnesses in Early Childhood Settings
Price: $9.72
Read a sample chapter and the table of contents from this book! Childhood illnesses present themselves in many ways. Recognize symptoms—including those for vaccine-preventable, respiratory, gastrointestinal, skin disorder, parasite, and chr...
Disaster Planning and Preparedness in Early Childhood and Schoolage Care Settings
Price: $14.95
Let's hope that you'll never have to face a natural or manmade disaster at your setting, but if it should happen, you need to have a plan and be prepared to carry it out. Nothing is more important than the safety of children. That's why thi...
Medical Emergencies in Early Childhood and School-Age Settings, Revised Edition
Price: $24.95
Quickly address children’s serious medical situations, including cuts, bites and stings, sudden illness, choking and allergic reactions. Designed to quickly find what you need and spiral bound to stay open in an emergency situation. Find updated...
Developmental Milestones of Young Children, Revised Edition
Price: $19.95
Understand the important indicators of development in children in five developmental domains: Physcial/motor, social/emotional, language, cognitive, and the recently added approaches to learning. Age focus 0–8. Softbound, 88pgs.
Caring for Young Children with Special Needs Quick Guide
Author: Cindy Croft
Price: $19.95
This quick guide gives you what you need to start working with children with special needs. Includes a look at inclusion in early childhood programs, disability law, the framework of an inclusive program, and typical vs. atypical developme...
Behavioral Challenges in Early Childhood Settings Quick Guide, Revised Edition
Author: Connie Jo Smith
Price: $19.95
Young children's behavior can be challenging at times but handling it doesn't have to be. This guide has information on how to respond to an array of common behavioral challenges, prevention tips, and updated resources. This Redleaf Quick Gu...
Family Engagement in Early Childhood Settings Quick Guide
Author: Mary Muhs
Price: $19.95
Strategies for early childhood programs to enhance interactions, engagement, expectations, and communication with families. Age Focus: 0-8 years Softbound, 88 pgs
Creating Diversity-Rich Environments for Young Children
Price: $19.95
An easy-to-use guide that shows how early childhood professionals can create a positive and inclusive environment for children of all cultures. 88 pages
Emergencias Medicas in Situ Para el Cuidado del Nino
Price: $14.95
Read the Table of Contents, Foreword, and excerpt from this book! Spanish Edition of Medical Emergencies in Early Childhood Settings La prevención es la primera y mejor forma de tratamiento. Sin embargo, las lesiones o enfermedades pueden de to...
Creating a Reggio-Inspired STEM Environment for Young Children Quick Guide
Price: $17.95
An easy-to-use guide to rethinking your early learning environment with a focus on STEM using the Reggio Emilia approach lens. 88 pages.
Creating Your Earth-Friendly Childhood Program Quick Guide
Price: $19.95
Creating your Earth-Friendly Early Chlidhood Program, Redleaf Quick Guide offers an approachable, efficient entry point for ECE educators who wish to instill ecofriendly values and practices in their programs. 88 pages.
Early Childhood Leadership and Program Management Quick Guide
Price: $19.95
Leading and managing an early education program is both challenging and rewarding. Early Childhood Leadership and Program Management (Quick Guide) gives practical tips on running a child care program that boosts the confidenc...