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Learning to Lead, 3rd edition: Effective Leadership Skills for Teachers of Young Children
Price: $24.95
This classic early childhood leadership book helps early childhood professionals at all levels navigate the multiple roles they must fill as child care providers, while developing leadership skills in themselves and others. The third edition includes...
Spark a Revolution in Early Education: Speaking Up for Ourselves and the Children
Author: Rae Pica
Price: $24.95
Early childhood educators are facing a crucial inflection point in the profession. Research shows that children need movement and play and joy to learn to their fullest potential—yet the educational system pushes worksheets and takes away time ...
Understanding Shared Services in Early Childhood Education Quick Guide
Price: $19.95
Shared services is a fairly new concept in the early childhood space but one that is gaining traction through the work of a number of individuals and organizations across the country. Shared services knowledge hubs and alliances together allow us to...
Program Administration Scale, Third Edition
Price: $28.95
This easy-to-use instrument assesses 25 items grouped into 9 categories: human resources, personnel cost and allocation, operations, screening and assessment, fiscal management, organizational growth and development, family and community partnership...
The Many Stories of Our Beloved Community: Honoring Young Children’s Kinship and Connections with the World
Price: $49.95
Join author Rukia Monique Rogers for an intimate and inspiring look at the values, practices, and relationships of the Highlander School in Atlanta, Georgia, rooted in the vision of the beloved community as espoused by Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King...
Daily Reflections for Educators, Coaches, Leaders, and Life
Author: Constant Hine
Price: $29.95
This book offers twelve reflective themes for cultivating both personal and professional self-realization and becoming a transformational change agent who helps others do the same.
Supercharge Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators: 101 Ideas for Designing and Facilitating Engaging Learning Experiences
Price: $39.95
Supercharge Professional Development for Early Childhood Educators empowers early childhood program leaders to transform their current professional development practices, offering innovative and concrete ideas for supporting educators.
Supporting Teachers As Learners: A Guide for Mentors and Coaches in Early Care and Education
Price: $29.95
Mentoring is a key strategy for supporting educators at any stage in their careers—and for improving teacher practice. This guide is an effective, activity-based way to reflect on, practice, and sharpen your skills as a mentor, coach, or tec...
"The Racial Healing Handbook: Practical Activities to Help You Challenge Privilege, Confront Systemic Racism, and Engage in Collective Healing (Social Justice Handbook)"
Price: $24.95
The Racial Healing Handbook offers practical tools to help you navigate daily and past experiences of racism, challenge internalized negative messages and privileges, and handle feelings of stress and shame. You’ll also learn to develop a profound ra...
Theories of Childhood 2nd Edition Instructor's Guide (e-book): An Introduction to Dewey, Montessori, Erikson, Piaget, & Vygotsky
Price: $10.95
Enhance and extend learning with chapter summaries, learning objectives, discussion questions, and individual and group activities. PDF only. Guide will be sent to you electronically.
Leading Anti-Bias Early Childhood Programs 2nd Edition
Price: $34.95
This popular book focuses on the leader’s role in initiating and sustaining anti-bias education in programs for young children and their families. This second edition emphasizes how the journey requires thoughtful, strategic, long-term planning that ...
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