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Learning to Lead, 3rd edition: Effective Leadership Skills for Teachers of Young Children
Price: $24.95
This classic early childhood leadership book helps early childhood professionals at all levels navigate the multiple roles they must fill as child care providers, while developing leadership skills in themselves and others. The third edition includes...
Spark a Revolution in Early Education: Speaking Up for Ourselves and the Children
Author: Rae Pica
Price: $24.95
Early childhood educators are facing a crucial inflection point in the profession. Research shows that children need movement and play and joy to learn to their fullest potential—yet the educational system pushes worksheets and takes away time ...
Pedagogical Documentation in Early Childhood: Sharing Children's Learning and Teacher's Thinking, 2nd Edition
Author: Susan Stacey
Price: $39.95
Pedagogical Documentation in Early Childhood is an inspiring step-by-step guide to documenting children's ideas, questions, play, and learning in a way that enhances teachers' thinking and understanding at the same time. This book supports teachers o...
Ready for Kindergarten: A Tool Kit for Supporting Children and Families, 2nd Edition
Price: $29.95
The transition to kindergarten is a significant and exciting milestone in young children's lives. This tool kit is an ideal planning resource for early childhood professionals as they coordinate a successful transition that benefits children, their f...
ASQ-3 Materials Kit
Price: $295.00
Now ASQ-3™ users will have quick, convenient access to all the items they need during screening. The ASQ-3 Materials Kit—approximately 20 attractive and engaging toys, books, and other items—is designed to encourage a child's participatio...
Education for a Civil Society: Teaching Young Children to Gain Five Democratic Life Skills 2nd Edition
Price: $34.95
Democratic life skills are skills that enable all of us—children and adults alike—to be caring, thoughtful members of families, schools, communities, and societies. But these emotional and social skills don’t just happen. Teachers and families suppor...
Complete Kindergarten Set
Price: $64.95
Includes one copy of Ready for Kindergarten 2nd Edition, 25 Getting Ready for Kindergarten booklets, and 5 I'm Going to Kindergarten! booklets.
Leading Anti-Bias Early Childhood Programs 2nd Edition
Price: $34.95
This popular book focuses on the leader’s role in initiating and sustaining anti-bias education in programs for young children and their families. This second edition emphasizes how the journey requires thoughtful, strategic, long-term planning that ...
What You Need To Lead an Early Childhood Program
Price: $29.37
As an early childhood director, you manage through relationships. What You Need to Lead an Early Childhood Program guides you through the steps to build respectful, dynamic, and welcoming relationships with families and staff. This important book ...
Hip on Health (PDF)
Price: $21.95
This collection of displayable mini-posters and reproducible one-page information sheets provide accurate content on more than 140 key health, safety, and well-being topics. These tools will increase parent and caregiver knowledge, enhance communic...
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