Product Code:
541716 (e-book)
978-1-60554-171-6 (e-book)
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Published by Redleaf Press e-book

Play skills are life skills that stay with children throughout their growing years. They are vital to the overall healthy development of children and help them understand a number of basic principles including recognizing symbols, solving conflict, and taking turns. An updated, expanded revision of the popular Pathways to Play, Play:Pathway from Theory to Practice contains practical suggestions and theoretical information for helping children thrive with play-based learning. Chapters include an explanation of the functional "Play Checklist" to help you observe children's emerging skills and pinpoint areas for improvement, instructions for writing specific and attainable goals for children, and case studies from real classrooms. Age Focus: 1-5. 304 pgs.

About Sandra Heidemann

Sandra Heidemann's many roles in the early childhood field have included teaching in regular and therapeutic preschool classrooms, leading workshops, serving as past president of the Minnesota more..

About Deborah Hewitt

Deborah Hewitt's experience in the early childhood field includes work as a therapeutic preschool teacher, consultant for child care providers, Child Development Associate advisor, workshop leader, more..

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