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No Biting 3E and Why Children Bite Set
Price: $39.95
Read a sample chapter or the table of contents of No Biting: Policy and Practice for Toddler Programs, 2nd Edition Biting is an issue that is more than skin-deep; it is a concern that has developmental, emotional, or environmental origins. An "un...
No Biting 3rd Edition: Solutions and Support for Toddler Programs
Price: $24.95
Updated solutions and support for how to stop young children from biting.Age focus: 0–3200 pages Available March 2019
No Biting PowerPoint Training (CD-ROM)
Price: $29.95
The perfect training resource for early childhood centers dealing with young children who bite. Age focus: 0–3 CD-ROM with 40 PowerPoint slides and a 10-page handout.
No Biting Trainers Set
Price: $44.95
Take the time and guesswork out of preparing an effective, high-quality training on strategies and solutions to toddler biting. 200 pages + CD-ROMAge focus: 0–3
No Two Alike
Author: Keith Baker
Price: $8.95
From bestselling author-illustrator Keith Baker, explore the wondrous world of winter in this charming story now available as a Classic Board Book! No two snowflakes are alike,  almost, almost . . .  but not quite. Follow a pair of birds on a snowf...
Noisy Paint Box: The Colors of Sounds of Kandinsky's Abstract Art
Author: Barb Rosenstock   Illustrated by: Mary Grandpré
Price: $17.95
In this exuberant celebration of creativity, Barb Rosenstock and Mary GrandPré tell the fascinating story of Vasily Kandinsky, one of the very first painters of abstract art. Throughout his life, Kandinsky experienced colors as sounds, and sounds as ...
Noses Are Not for Picking
Author: Elizabeth Verdick   Illustrated by: Marieka Heinlen
Price: $9.95
We’ve all seen it—the nose-picking habit starts as early as the toddler years, and no child is the exception. Young children pick their noses for a variety of reasons, from colds to allergies to curiosity or boredom. This board book for toddler...
Not Norman: A Goldfish Story
Author: Kelly Bennett   Illustrated by: Noah Z. Jones
Price: $8.95
Norman the goldfish isn’t what this little boy had in mind. He wanted a different kind of pet—one that could run and catch, or chase string and climb trees, a soft furry pet to sleep on his bed at night. Definitely not Norman. But when he tries...
Oh, those Little Ones! DVD
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $29.00
Watch as Lisa Murphy shows you a hands-on exploration of many activities that are appropriate for the wee ones in your infant and toddler rooms. Special features include a self test, handout, and certification document. 41 minutes. Closed-Capti...
One Love
Price: $7.95
On-the-Go Time
Author: Elizabeth Verdick   Illustrated by: Marieka Heinlen
Price: $9.95
Winner of the 2012 Creative Child Preferred Choice Award Get ready, get set, go get into coats...out the door ...into the car. With On-the-Go Time, shopping and running errands with children really can mean fewer hassles and more fun for everyone!...
Open-Ended Art for Young Children
Price: $29.95
Authors Dr. Tracy Galuski and Dr. Mary Ellen Bardsley present the challenges teachers encounter when faced with best practices and expectations related to art process and product. Each chapter begins with a classroom vignette that describes the c...
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