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Design in Mind: A Framework for Sparking Ideas, Collaborations, and Innovation in Early Education
Price: $23.07
Design in Mind refocuses education to embrace a new vision grounded on equity, equality, and inclusion.
Designs for Living and Learning and Learning Together with Young Children Set
Price: $89.95
The Designs for Living and Learning Set includes two powerful books by Deb Curtis and Margie Carter, best-selling authors in the early learning field. Designs for Living and Learning: Transforming Early Childhood Environments explores ways you can...
Designs for Living and Learning, Second Edition: Transforming Early Childhood Environments
Price: $49.95
You likely have dreams for your early childhood environment that are greater than rating scales, regulations, and room arrangements. Designs for Living and Learning has been a favorite resource among educators and caregivers for more than a deca...
Developmentally Appropriate Play Stories CD-ROM
Author: Gaye Gronlund
Price: $99.95
Key principles, video clips, and play stories illustrate the many ways to enhance children's play experiences on this CD-ROM program. Focusing on the importance of play in early childhood, it explores the levels of children's play and teachers' ...
Disaster Planning and Preparedness in Early Childhood and Schoolage Care Settings
Price: $14.95
Let's hope that you'll never have to face a natural or manmade disaster at your setting, but if it should happen, you need to have a plan and be prepared to carry it out. Nothing is more important than the safety of children. That's why thi...
Doing the Right Thing for Children: Eight Qualities of Leadership
Author: Maurice Sykes
Price: $24.95
This book provides a clear framework and a systematic approach to help you become a more capable, competent, and effective leader as you serve young children and work with your colleagues. In Doing the Right Thing for Children, author Maurice Sy...
Don't Look Away: Embracing Anti-Bias Classrooms
Price: $24.95
Don’t Look Away: Embracing Anti-Bias Classrooms leads early childhood professionals to explore and address issues of bias, equity, low expectations, and family engagement to ensure culturally responsive experiences.
Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, ECERS, Third Edition
Price: $28.95
The long-anticipated new version of the internationally recognized Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, ECERS-3, focuses on the full range of needs of preschool- and kindergarten-aged children. This widely used, comprehensive assessment tool me...
Early Childhood Leadership and Program Management Quick Guide
Price: $19.95
Leading and managing an early education program is both challenging and rewarding. Early Childhood Leadership and Program Management (Quick Guide) gives practical tips on running a child care program that boosts the confidenc...
Early Childhood Quality Rating Scale - Emergent Curriculum (ECQRS-EC)
Price: $28.95
Young children’s learning depends on a wide range of experiences that support their holistic development. While many different curricular frameworks are used around the world, there is increasing agreement that the emerging academic skills of languag...
Early Childhood Staff Orientation Guide
Author: Sharon Bergen
Price: $19.95
Orientation to a new position, classroom, or an entirely new program is an opportunity to start off on the right foot. Working with children is fun, but also complex and requires knowledge of health and safety practices, child development, gui...
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