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Power in Pretend: Supporting Young Children’s Power, Identity and Agency Through Play
Author: Mike Huber
Price: $26.95
Ranging from princess play to gun play, The Power in Pretend questions and sheds light on the ways children play with ideas of power.
Practical Solutions to Practically Every Problem, Third Edition: The Survival Guide for Early Childhood Professionals
Author: Steffen Saifer
Price: $34.95
An encyclopedic how-to-guide for the universal early childhood program problems, this book provides solutions to every possible problem faced by early childhood teachers—before you encounter them. This classic resource has been u...
Preschoolers: Cognitive Development DVD
Price: $118.95
It is simply fascinating to observe how preschoolers begin to use language, mental imagery and symbolic thinking; think of past and future events; and think about their own thinking. Children start to clearly express themselves and grasp sophistica...
Preschoolers: Physical Development DVD
Price: $118.95
From the ages of two to five, preschoolers reach developmental milestones with endless energy and increasing physical coordination. This detailed, entertaining and informative look into the world of preschoolers shows them engaged in activities tha...
Preschoolers: Social & Emotional Development DVD
Price: $118.95
Preschoolers are creative, curious and active experimenters that learn about themselves and their world as they take on new roles outside of their homes and families. In their interactions with peers, children commonly show kindness and compassion ...
Problem Solving with Young Children: Building Creativity, Critical Thinking and Resilience
Author: Ann Gadzikowski
Price: $29.95
Learn how to take the problems, mistakes, and accidents that occur in the daily lives of young children and turn them into teachable moments. Problem-Solving with Young Children will coach early childhood professionals to develop a range of strategie...
Ready for Kindergarten: A Tool Kit for Supporting Children and Families, 2nd Edition
Price: $29.95
The transition to kindergarten is a significant and exciting milestone in young children's lives. This tool kit is an ideal planning resource for early childhood professionals as they coordinate a successful transition that benefits children, their f...
Reflection, Perspective-Taking, and Social Justice: Stories of Empathy and Kindness in the Early Childhood Classroom
Price: $24.95
This inspirational book brings readers inside the school to aid them in their own personal and professional reflections on practices and ways of being with children in this shared journey towards a better world.?
Responsive Practice for Dual Language Learners in Early Childhood Education: Theory and Case Studies
Price: $26.95
Learn to apply the Four Cornerstones model’s tenets of developmentally responsive, culturally responsive, linguistically responsive, and contextually appropriate practice in a variety of real-life situations, including while providing scaffolding for...
RIGOROUS DAP in the Early Years: From Theory to Practice
Price: $24.47
In this day and age of high-stakes academic testing and accountability, children are expected to know more and more at a younger and younger age. Early childhood educators struggle to help children meet academic expectations while teaching in a d...
Robotics for Young Children: STEM Activities and Simple Coding
Author: Ann Gadzikowski
Price: $34.95
Give young children their start to the building, programming, and coding of robots through playful, developmentally appropriate activities. This user-friendly and accessible book gives teachers great ideas for engaging young children with 100 e...
Roots and Wings, Third Edition: Affirming Culture and Preventing Bias in Early Childhood
Author: Stacey York
Price: $49.95
Use the updated activities, examples, and research to improve your anti-bias and multicultural education programs. This clear and practical guide includes expanded information on English Language Learners, family engagement, cu...
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