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Displaying 73 - 84 of 313 results
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Developmental Milestones of Young Children, Revised Edition
Price: $19.95
Understand the important indicators of development in children in five developmental domains: Physcial/motor, social/emotional, language, cognitive, and the recently added approaches to learning. Age focus 0–8. Softbound, 88pgs.
Developmentally Appropriate Play Stories CD-ROM
Author: Gaye Gronlund
Price: $99.95
Key principles, video clips, and play stories illustrate the many ways to enhance children's play experiences on this CD-ROM program. Focusing on the importance of play in early childhood, it explores the levels of children's play and teachers' ...
Developmentally Appropriate Play: Guiding Young Children to a Higher Level
Author: Gaye Gronlund
Price: $32.95
Download the dramatic play forms. Enhance the depth and richness of children's play. Developmentally appropriate play is complex, long-lasting, and all-engaging for children. It requires facilitation and guidance, thoughtful planning, and attenti...
Disaster Planning and Preparedness in Early Childhood and Schoolage Care Settings
Price: $14.95
Let's hope that you'll never have to face a natural or manmade disaster at your setting, but if it should happen, you need to have a plan and be prepared to carry it out. Nothing is more important than the safety of children. That's why thi...
Discovering Nature with Young Children Teacher's Guide
Price: $25.95
Let's do real science! Discovering Nature with Young Children is an inquiry-based curriculum that builds on children's natural curiosity about the living world. The curriculum guide helps you prepare yourself and and your classroom for a new a...
Diversion cuando tengo un ano
Author: Deborah McNelis
Price: $12.95
These activity ideas will help you support all of the skill areas a one-year-old is learning, including language, cognitive, social-emotional, and physical skills. Information on how these attentive and fun interactions help a child's brain develop i...
Dribble Drabble: Process Art Experiences for Young Children
Price: $17.95
Creative art should offer children the opportunities for originality, creativity, fluency, flexibility, and sensitivity. Covering a w...
Early Childhood Activities for a Greener Earth
Price: $17.97
Help children explore the environment and develop a sense of wonder, curiosity, and joy for nature. Each chapter focuses on a common and important environmental topic, such as waste reduction and recycling, air quality, weather and climate change,...
Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, ECERS, Third Edition
Price: $28.95
The long-anticipated new version of the internationally recognized Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, ECERS-3, focuses on the full range of needs of preschool- and kindergarten-aged children. This widely used, comprehensive assessment tool me...
Early Childhood Leadership and Program Management Quick Guide
Price: $19.95
Leading and managing an early education program is both challenging and rewarding. Early Childhood Leadership and Program Management (Quick Guide) gives practical tips on running a child care program that boosts the confidenc...
Early Childhood Quality Rating Scale - Emergent Curriculum (ECQRS-EC)
Price: $28.95
Young children’s learning depends on a wide range of experiences that support their holistic development. While many different curricular frameworks are used around the world, there is increasing agreement that the emerging academic skills of languag...
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