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ASQ-SE User's Guide 2nd Edition
Price: $55.00
This clear, comprehensive guide helps professionals ensure they’re making the most of the highly reliable, accurate, and parent-friendly screener, ASQ-SE—so they can catch social-emotional issues early and help improve child outcomes. The user...
Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale 3rd Edition
Price: $28.95
Building on extensive feedback from the field as well as vigorous new research on how best to support infant and toddler development and learning, the authors have revised and updated the widely used Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale. ITERS-...
Infant-Toddler Developmental Assessment 2nd Edition (IDA-2)
Price: $376.00
Basic IDA Kit (without manipulatives and carrying case) Includes: Administration Manual, Foundations and Study Guide, Supplemental Reading Manual, 25 Parent Report Forms, 25 Health Record Guides, and 25 Record Forms. IDA-2 is a comprehensive, mu...
ASQ-SE-2 Questionnaires: Social-Emotional
Price: $240.00
The ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires are the most cost-effective, reliable way to screen young children for social-emotional issues in the first 6 years of life. The new second edition brings you nine improved age-appropriate questionnaires to effectively sc...
Balancing Brain Stimulation Set
Author: Deborah McNelis
Price: $21.95
Practical and useful information on how to balance brain stimulation in infants and toddlers. Age Focus: 0-5 years Ring Bound, 80 cards total Full Color
Early Childhood Leadership and Program Management Quick Guide
Price: $19.95
Leading and managing an early education program is both challenging and rewarding. Early Childhood Leadership and Program Management (Quick Guide) gives practical tips on running a child care program that boosts the confidenc...
Infants Development DVD Set
Price: $324.95
Save over $30 when you buy this set! Infants: Physical Development Watch as infants begin to explore their world and reach different milestones along the way. Learn how a baby's brain develops, what activities help stimulate healthy brain g...
CDA Exam Prep Flashcards - Infant and Toddler
Author: Debra Pierce
Price: $15.95
Prepare for the CDA Exam with these flashcards for your infant and toddler program. Included are over 40 flashcards with prep questions and answers for easy studying. The removable ring allows you to keep the set togethero or to shuffle the questio...
No Biting Trainers Set
Price: $44.95
Take the time and guesswork out of preparing an effective, high-quality training on strategies and solutions to toddler biting. 200 pages + CD-ROMAge focus: 0–3
ASQ-SE Starter Kit 2nd Edition
Price: $295.00
Uncover possible social-emotional issues during the crucial first 6 years of life with the new edition of the bestselling screener. ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires effectively screen seven key developmental areas: self-regulation, compliance, adaptive funct...
Infants: Physical Development DVD
Price: $77.32
Watch as infants begin to explore their world and reach different milestones along the way. Learn how a baby's brain develops, what activities help stimulate healthy brain growth, and the importance of proper nutrition and sleep during the first...
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