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Displaying 265 - 276 of 373 results
Sky Above and the Mud Below: Lessons from Nature Preschools and Forest Kindergartens
Author: David Sobel
Price: $39.95
David Sobel’s follow-up to Nature Preschools and Forest Kindergartens walks readers through the nitty-gritty facts of running a nature-based program. Age focus: 3–8. Softbound, 264 pages.
More Than Letters: Literacy Activities for Preschool, Kindergarten, and First Grade, Standards Edition
Price: $36.95
The transition into reading and writing occurs naturally when young children are surrounded by opportunities to interact with print. Intentionally help children develop literacy skills through hands-on, play-based activities.
Acting Out! Avoid Behavior Challenges with Active Learning Games and Activities
Author: Rae Pica
Price: $26.95
Current policies in the early childhood field ask teachers to treat children as though they exist from the neck up—even though research clearly demonstrates that the mind-body connection is vital to development. Rae Pica, founder and director of Rae ...
Loose Parts 4: Inspiring 21st Century Learning
Price: $34.95
In the newest installment of the popular, award-winning Loose Parts series, Lisa Daly and Miriam Beloglovsky focus on family engagement and competency building. Age focus 3–8. Softbound. 312 pages.
Yoga and Mindfulness for Young Children: Poses for Play, Learning, and Peace
Price: $26.95
Yoga isn’t just the physical poses. Yoga and Mindfulness for Young Children explains the physical and social-emotional benefits of incorporating yoga into early childhood classrooms. Age focus 2–8. Softbound. 168 pages.
Sign with Me the ABCs: Sign Language Cards for Preliteracy
Price: $12.95
Use sign language to help young children develop emerging literacy skills. Age focus 3–5. 40 laminated cards.
Transformational Coaching for Early Childhood Educators
Author: Constant Hine
Price: $24.95
Use this reflection-based guidebook to strengthen coaching skills and your ability to facilitate transformational learning in others. 136 pages
Redleaf Family Child Care Curriculum: Teaching Through Quality Care 2E (SPANISH translation)
Author: Sharon Woodward
Price: $44.95
El programa de cuidado infantil en el hogar de Redleaf: Compañero de familia, Edición revisada, ofrece el mismo formato fácil de usar del original con nuevas actividades e ideas para crear cientos de experiencias de aprendizaje creativas e inclusivas...
Let Them Shine: Inspiring Stories of Empowering Children
Price: $24.95
A collection of inspiring personal stories of empowerment of young children from award-winning Los Angeles principal Michael Alan Haggood.144 pages
Brain Insight Card Set - Spanish
Author: Deborah McNelis
Price: $54.95
These quick activity ideas benefit children's brain development in fun and easy ways. Each card provides a learning activity idea and includes an explanation about how it enhances brain development. These Brain Insights activity cards are compact and...
Amar a su bebe': Como hacer conexiones en el primer ano
Author: Deborah McNelis
Price: $12.95
These age-appropriate ideas emphasize the importance of attachment for healthy social-emotional and cognitive development in infants. Information on how attentive and fun interaction helps a child's brain develop is also included. Brain Insights acti...
Diversion cuando tengo un ano
Author: Deborah McNelis
Price: $12.95
These activity ideas will help you support all of the skill areas a one-year-old is learning, including language, cognitive, social-emotional, and physical skills. Information on how these attentive and fun interactions help a child's brain develop i...