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Displaying 133 - 144 of 578 results
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Actions of Play: Weaving Play Schemas into Inquiry-Based Learning and Project Work
Price: $42.95
Actions of Play builds on recent research and revelations about play schemas to transform understandings of play-based learning and project work in early childhood programs. Play schemas are the patterns of actions that play takes—transporting, enclo...
Hands Are Not for Hitting/Las manos no son para pegar
Author: Martine Agassi   Illustrated by: Marieka Heinlen
Price: $9.95
It's never too soon for children to learn that violence is never okay, hands can do many good things, and everyone is capable of positive, loving actions. Hands are for helping, learning, playing, and much more. Created in response to requests from p...
A Fighting Chance: Supporting Young Children Experiencing Disruptive Change
Price: $29.95
Every day, many children have to cope with complicated and disruptive situations, and your classroom can become the most stable environment in their young lives. This resource uses case studies to illustrate what disruptive change can lo...
From Babysitter to Business Owner: Getting the Most Out of Your Home Child Care Business
Price: $19.95
Do others view your work as you do? Does it ever seem as though some parents see you more as a babysitter than a professional caregiver and business owner? How can you change their minds? Family child care homes provide much-needed, quality care f...
StoryMakers on Deck: StoryMaking Activities with Loose Parts
Price: $12.95
The StoryMakers on Deck cards inspire educators and children to use simple materials to make stories and projects. 40 cards.
Lessons From Turtle Island: Native Curriculum in Early Childhood Classrooms
Price: $29.95
Winner of the Gustavus Myers Outstanding Book Award and Skipping Stones Honor Award. How do you help young children learn more about Native peopls than the cultural stereotypes found in children's books and in the media? Lessons from Turtle Isl...
Overcoming Teacher Burnout in Early Childhood: Strategies for Change
Price: $24.95
Personal stories from the field illustrate practical tips to refuel and improve morale in early childhood. Softbound, 152 pgs
From Teaching to Thinking: A Pedagogy for Reimagining Our Work
Price: $33.95
From Teaching to Thinking offers a passionate and thought-provoking alternative to standardized, scripted curriculum, giving educators support and encouragement to reimagine the beauty and wonder of what education could be.
All The Colors We Are - 20th Anniversary Edition: The Story of How We Get Our Skin Color
Author: Katie Kissinger   Photographer: Chris Bohnhoff
Price: $17.94
Celebrate the essence of one way we are all special and different from one another—our skin color! Winner of the 2015 Learning Magazine Teacher's Choice Award for Children's Books, this book offers children a simple, scientifically accurate...
Family Child Care 2021 Tax Workbook & Organizer
Author: Tom Copeland   With: Bill Porter
Price: $19.95
As tax season approaches each year, thousands of family child care providers save time and money using the Workbook and Organizers. Expected to ship early February 2022
Emergent Set
Author: Susan Stacey
Price: $53.95
Take an exploratory look at the components of emergent curriculum and how its practices and principles can improve the learning culture of early childhood programs. Emergent curriculum is a philosophy that unites children's interests with the educ...
Transitions Brain Insight Cards set of 2
Author: Deborah McNelis
Price: $21.95
Includes the Transitions with Infants and Toddlers card set and the Transitions with Preschoolers card set
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