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Moving & Learning with Your Child (Set of 25)
Author: Rae Pica
Price: $24.95
Movement guru Rae Pica is known for her creative approaches to movement and learning with children from birth through elementary school and beyond. Research has proven that learning and movement are closely linked in childhood development. ...
School Age Rating Scale Updated
Price: $28.95
This updated edition includes 47 items to evaluate the quality of your after-school program. Improved scoring and assessment in areas such as space and furnishings, health and safety, activities, program structure, staff development, and more.
Loose Parts Set [4 books]
Price: $124.95
Includes one copy of Loose Parts: Inspiring Play in Young Children, Loose Parts 2: Inspiring Play with Infants and Toddlers, Loose Parts 3: Inspiring Culturally Sustainable Environments and Loose Parts 4: Inspiring 21st Century Learning.
Teaching STEM Outdoors: Activities for Young Children
Price: $34.95
Nurture young children’s innate tendencies toward exploration, sensory stimulation, and STEM learning when you connect outdoor learning with STEM curriculum. Discover the developmental benefits of outdoor learning and how the rich diversity of ...
Inspiring Young Minds: Scientific Inquiry in the Early Years
Author: Julie Smart
Price: $17.97
Learn to use inquiry-based practice to inspire young minds through science. This book gives educators a solid guide for using research-based principles of inquiry to help children explore their world. With real-life examples and information ...
Robotics for Young Children: STEM Activities and Simple Coding
Author: Ann Gadzikowski
Price: $34.95
Give young children their start to the building, programming, and coding of robots through playful, developmentally appropriate activities. This user-friendly and accessible book gives teachers great ideas for engaging young children with 100 e...
Teaching STEM Literacy: A Constructivist Approach for Ages 3 to 8
Price: $39.95
Teaching STEM Literacy is comprised of ready-made, open-ended lessons reviewed and tested by teachers, which help educators integra...
Loose Parts 3: Inspiring Culturally Sustainable Environments
Price: $34.95
The next installment for the award-winning Loose Parts series offers inspiration and guidance on creating culturally sensitive and culturally sustainable early childhood environments. With the help of over 400 full-color photos, this book shows r...
RIGOROUS DAP in the Early Years: From Theory to Practice
Price: $24.47
In this day and age of high-stakes academic testing and accountability, children are expected to know more and more at a younger and younger age. Early childhood educators struggle to help children meet academic expectations while teaching in a d...
Loose Parts 4: Inspiring 21st Century Learning
Price: $34.95
In the newest installment of the popular, award-winning Loose Parts series, Lisa Daly and Miriam Beloglovsky focus on family engagement and competency building. Age focus 3–8. Softbound. 312 pages.
Kindercoding Unplugged: Screen-Free Activities for Beginners
Price: $34.95
Kindergarten teacher Deanna Pecaski McLennan, PhD, takes readers on a journey through her own kindergarten classroom and how she’s actively cultivating computational thinking in her students through a Reggio Emilia lens and emergent curriculum.
What If Everybody Understood Child Development?
Author: Rae Pica
Price: $28.95
Learn about 29 topics critical to best practices in child development and education. Use the actionable insights from experts on topics such as Common Core, the self-esteem movement, and standardized testing. Start using what we know about child deve...
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