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Displaying 37 - 48 of 75 results
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Being a Professional: Winning Ways for Early Childhood Professionals
Author: Gigi Schweikert
Price: $22.95
Passion for working with children is a cornerstone in your line of work, but as an early childhood professional, you also need to look the part, act the part, and keep a positive attitude. Whether it is your first day on the job or you have y...
Family Child Care Business Curriculum Set
Author: Tom Copeland
Price: $674.95
The most comprehensive business curriculum to train family child care (daycare) providers The Family Child Care Business Curriculum series covers five integral business topics that affect every family child care (daycare) provider—legal an...
Leadership in Action, Second Edition
Price: $29.95
Leadership begins in the head and heart. It is a way of thinking about yourself and the vital role you play in your early childhood program. This book dispels the myth that there is one best leadership style that all directors should emulate. It wil...
Stories of Resistance: Learning from Black Women in Early Care and Education
Price: $23.95
Stories of Resistance is a robust and meaningful collection, weaving threads of the personal, professional and political into a vibrant tapestry of becoming. Twelve leaders in early care and education come together to share authentically and proudly ...
Understanding Toddlers & Twos: Winning Ways for Early Childhood Professionals
Author: Gigi Schweikert
Price: $22.95
Learn the essentials of development and the best practices for caring for toddlers and twos. This self-training workbook provides essential information about toddlers' and twos' mobility, language acquisition, and social skills. Practical tips, s...
No Biting 3E and Why Children Bite Set
Price: $39.95
Read a sample chapter or the table of contents of No Biting: Policy and Practice for Toddler Programs, 2nd Edition Biting is an issue that is more than skin-deep; it is a concern that has developmental, emotional, or environmental origins. An "un...
Identifying & Creating Child Centered Environments DVD
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $79.00
This workshop provides an in-depth exploration of the nine points within the framework of Lisa Murphy’s approach to working with children. Via interactive lecture, true-to-life examples, anecdotes, and Lisa’s signature “learning and laughing...
Family Child Care Business Essentials Set
Price: $92.95
Save more than $32 when you buy all of these essential resources: Record-Keeping Guide, 9th edition; Marketing Guide, 2nd edition; Contracts & Policies, Legal & Insurance Guide, Inventory-Keeper, Money Management & Retirement Guide, and Business Pl...
Family Child Care Essentials Gift Pack
Price: $50.95
This gift pack includes one of each of the following items: The Redleaf Calendar-Keeper™ 2023 Family Child Care Business Receipt Book Redleaf Complete Forms Kit for Both Family Child Care and Center-Based Programs, Revised Edition
Developmentally Appropriate Play Stories CD-ROM
Author: Gaye Gronlund
Price: $99.95
Key principles, video clips, and play stories illustrate the many ways to enhance children's play experiences on this CD-ROM program. Focusing on the importance of play in early childhood, it explores the levels of children's play and teachers' ...
Focused Observations, Second Edition: How to Observe Young Children for Assessment and Curriculum Planning
Price: $69.95
Intentional teaching begins with focused observations and systematic documentation of children's learning and development. Focused Observations, Second Edition, explains why observation is one of the best methods to get to know each child well, tr...
Daily Reflections for Educators, Coaches, Leaders, and Life
Author: Constant Hine
Price: $29.95
This book offers twelve reflective themes for cultivating both personal and professional self-realization and becoming a transformational change agent who helps others do the same.
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