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Displaying 25 - 36 of 64 results
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Family Child Care Contracts and Policies, 4th Edition
Author: Tom Copeland
Price: $21.95
The fourth edition of the business classic Family Child Care Contract & Policies offers the most comprehensive, up-to-date tools for family child care providers to better communicate with parents and reduce conflicts, establish and enforce contra...
Contracts and Policies: The Business of Family Child Care [DVD]
Author: Tom Copeland
Price: $49.95
Tom Copeland, attorney, author, trainer and advocate for the business side of family child care, has been working for many years as a consultant helping family child care providers be more successful as a business. Now, in addition to Tom’s many book...
Medical Emergencies in Early Childhood and School-Age Settings, Revised Edition
Price: $24.95
Quickly address children’s serious medical situations, including cuts, bites and stings, sudden illness, choking and allergic reactions. Designed to quickly find what you need and spiral bound to stay open in an emergency situation. Find updated...
Protecting Your Family Child Care Business: Preventing and Addressing Regulatory Challenges
Author: Sharon Woodward
Price: $21.95
Respected family child care consultant Sharon Woodward brings years of regulation and policy experience to help you protect your family child care business.
Home Visitor CDA Competency Standards Book
Price: $28.00
The CDA Competency Standards book: Home Visitor Edition gives candidates working with families with children ages birth to 5 years old everything they need to know to successfully prepare and apply for the CDA credential. This book includes complete ...
Redleaf Calendar-Keeper 2022: A Record-Keeping System for Family Child Care Professionals
Price: $20.95
The most trusted business resource for Family Child Care professionals for 45 years.
Family Child Care Business Planning Guide
Author: Tom Copeland
Price: $21.95
Read a sample chapter and the table of contents from this book! A business plan is a comprehensive blueprint for how you will run your family child care business. This guide outlines each step for writing your own and explains how to use it to m...
Redleaf Family Child Care Curriculum: Teaching Through Quality Care 2E
Author: Sharon Woodward
Price: $44.95
Redleaf's popular and affordable Family Child Care Curriculum just got better! In addition to the more than 200 activities for the domains addressed in the first edition, there are more activities to support children's kindergarten readi...
Family Child Care 2024 Tax Workbook & Organizer
Author: Tom Copeland   With: Bill Porter
Price: $21.95
The most comprehensive resource available, this book contains up-to-date guidance so family child care providers can accurately complete their own tax returns and take advantage of all the business deductions they are entitled to claim. With authors ...
Family Child Care Business Curriculum: Marketing
Author: Tom Copeland
Price: $149.95
The Family Child Care Business Curriculum library covers five integral business topics for family child care providers. Written by Tom Copeland, JD, renowned tax and child care business specialist, these products include everything trainers need...
Toddler Daily Report Form
Author: Redleaf Press
Price: $12.95
Parents complete the top portion of these helpful forms at drop-off to update you on their child's day. You use the quick checklists to give parents reminders and important information, including naptime, toileting, and eating. 3 tablets, each wi...
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