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Those Ooey Gooey Winky Blinky but . . . Invisible Pinkeye Germs/Esos pringosos viscosos pestañeantes parpadeantes pero . . . invisibles gérmenes que causan conjuntivitis
Author: Judith Anne Rice   Illustrator: Julie Ann Stricklin
Price: $10.99
The fourth title in the bestselling Children's Health Series from Redleaf Press, Those Ooey Gooey Winky Blinky but...Invisible Pinkeye Germs is another fun and informative book explaining germs kids can't see. Children will learn how pinkeye germs...
Havens of Hope: Ideas for Redesigning Education from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Author: Shira Leibowitz
Price: $17.47
Havens of Hope shares the hopeful energy and positive transformation that is emerging through the early childhood education field in this historic time of pandemic, economic uncertainty, and protests for racial equity. It brings readers on a journey ...
Inspiring Wonder, Awe, and Empathy: Spiritual Development in Young Children
Author: Deborah Schein
Price: $17.97
Inspiring Wonder, Awe, and Empathy offers a series of best practices for child care providers to nurture a child’s spiritual development—an extension of social-emotional learning. The book helps educators introduce young children to a syste...
ASQ-SE Starter Kit 2nd Edition
Price: $295.00
Uncover possible social-emotional issues during the crucial first 6 years of life with the new edition of the bestselling screener. ASQ:SE-2 questionnaires effectively screen seven key developmental areas: self-regulation, compliance, adaptive funct...
Infants: Physical Development DVD
Price: $77.32
Watch as infants begin to explore their world and reach different milestones along the way. Learn how a baby's brain develops, what activities help stimulate healthy brain growth, and the importance of proper nutrition and sleep during the first...
Loose Parts 4: Inspiring 21st Century Learning
Price: $34.95
In the newest installment of the popular, award-winning Loose Parts series, Lisa Daly and Miriam Beloglovsky focus on family engagement and competency building. Age focus 3–8. Softbound. 312 pages.
Making Lemonade: Teaching Young Children to Think Optimistically
Price: $29.95
Foundational principles partnered with practical, hands-on activities to help children become optimistic thinkers and learners. Age focus: 3–6 160 pages
Feet Are Not for Kicking - English/Spanish
Author: Martine Agassi   Illustrated by: Marieka Heinlen
Price: $9.95
In simple words and charming full-color illustrations, this English-Spanish bilingual book helps toddlers learn to use their feet for fun, not in anger or frustration. It also includes tips for parents and caregivers in both languages on how to help ...
Early Language and Literacy Classroom Observation User's Guide
Price: $34.95
Trusted by schools across the country, Early Language and Literacy Classroom Observation (ELLCO) User's Guide helps build better literacy programs by assessing the quality of both the classroom environment and teachers' practices. With ELLCO, you c...
Developmental Milestones of Young Children, Revised Edition
Price: $19.95
Understand the important indicators of development in children in five developmental domains: Physcial/motor, social/emotional, language, cognitive, and the recently added approaches to learning. Age focus 0–8. Softbound, 88pgs.
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