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Displaying 37 - 48 of 77 results
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Theories of Childhood, Second Edition: An Introduction to Dewey, Montessori, Erikson, Piaget & Vygotsky
Price: $29.95
Examine the work of five groundbreaking education theorists—John Dewey, Maria Montessori, Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Lev Vygotsky—in relation to early childhood. Theories of Childhood, Second Edition, provides a basic introduction ...
ASQ-3 Starter Kit English
Price: $295.00
The ASQ-3 has been a trusted tool for more than 15 years to pinpoint delays as early as possible during the crucial first 5 years of life. The starter kit gives you everything you need to effectively screen five key developmental areas: communicatio...
Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System (AEPS) Curriculum for Birth to Three Years
Price: $42.22
Used after the Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System (AEPS) Test is completed and scored, this developmentally sequenced curriculum allows you to match the child's IFSP/IEP goals and objectives with activity-based interventions-beginning wi...
Infant-Toddler Social Studies: Activities to Develop a Sense of Self
Author: Carla B. Goble
Price: $24.95
As infants become toddlers, their expanding sense of self and growing motor, language, and cognitive skills provide opportunities for learning more about the physical and social world around them. This book is a valuable resource for advancing a...
Starting with Character: Activities for Infants, Toddlers, and Twos
Price: $17.47
Starting with Character focuses on character development in infants, toddlers, and twos. This guide provides everything needed for preparing the environment, creating routines, and evaluating individual learning styles. Lesson plans and ste...
Balancing Brain Stimulation Set
Author: Deborah McNelis
Price: $21.95
Practical and useful information on how to balance brain stimulation in infants and toddlers. Age Focus: 0-5 years Ring Bound, 80 cards total Full Color
Inclusion Includes Us: Building Bridges and Removing Barriers to Include All Children and Adults in Early Childhood Classrooms
Author: Mike Huber
Price: $24.95
Creating an inclusive early childhood environment is more than adapting interactions and the learning environment to help specific children. Inclusion Includes Us seeks to replace barriers between early childhood educators and their students with an ...
Fun While I’m One: Making Connections with One-Year-Olds
Author: Deborah McNelis
Price: $14.95
These activity ideas will help you support all of the skill areas a one-year-old is learning, including language, cognitive, social-emotional, and physical skills. Information on how these attentive and fun interactions help a child's brain devel...
Infants Development DVD Set
Price: $324.95
Save over $30 when you buy this set! Infants: Physical Development Watch as infants begin to explore their world and reach different milestones along the way. Learn how a baby's brain develops, what activities help stimulate healthy brain g...
Discovering the Culture of Childhood
Author: Emily Plank   Foreword by: Carol Garhart Mooney
(1 review)
Price: $24.95
We often filter our interactions with children through the lens of adulthood. View the culture of childhood through a whole new lens...
ASQ-3 User's Guide
Price: $55.00
The essential companion to the #1 developmental screener, the updated ASQ-3 User’s Guide gives you all the information and guidance needed to use ASQ-3.
Sign Language Cards for Infants and Toddlers
Price: $14.95
Forty commonly used American Sign Language words with simple directions on how to use, and the benefits of, sign language with infants and toddlers.Age focus: 0–340 ring bound, laminated cards
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