12-18 Months
FromInfant-Toddler Social Studies,
Carla Goble
What to have
Safe, toddler-size kitchen items
What to do
Collect realistic, safe, toddler-size kitchen items, such as pots, pans, lids, wooden spoons, spatulas, and food containers. Sit up a play area with a toddler-size refrigerator, stove, sink, table, and chairs. Ask the toddlers what they eat at home or ask their parents. Collect food boxes that are representative of the food the toddlers eat at home and encourage them to pretend to cook it. For example, model how to pretend to fry an egg or stir a bowl of cake batter.
- to provide opportunities for pretend play
- to promote connections between families and the classroom
For more activities check out
Infant-Toddler Social Studies: Activities to Develop a Sense of Self
By Carla Goble Copyright 2018 12-18 Months