Baby Bubble Fun

Birth-6 Months

FromBaby Steps to STEM,  Jean Barbre

What to have - liquid bubble soap - water - large tub or an empty sensory table - heavy- duty paint aprons or smocks - towels

What to do Place a small amount of liquid bubble soap in the bottom of the tub and fill with water. Swish your hands around to make as many bubbles as possible. Let the children watch as you make the bubbles. Show the children how you can lift the bubbles up and make mounds and small sculptures. Demonstrate how you can squeeze the bubbles between your fingers. Invite a few children at a time to play and create bubble sculptures. Show the children how to blow on the bubbles and watch how they float in the air.

Why Children will explore the physical properties of water and the elasticity and shape of bubbles.

For more activities check out
Baby Steps to STEM: Infant and Toddler Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Activities

By Jean Barbre Copyright 2017 Birth-6 Months

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