8-12 Months
FromInfant-Toddler Social Studies, Carla B. Goble
What to have None
What to do Place infants where they can see one another as they eat. If they are fed in high chairs, place the chairs in a small circle. Sit and eat with them. Call each baby by name and talk about what each is eating and doing. This is a social time when infants can feel part of the classroom family. When babies are able to sit in small chairs at a low table, several of them can sit together for snacks and meals.
Why To promote feelings of connectedness to others. To promote positive mealtime experiences. To promote the development of social skills.
For more activities check out Infant-Toddler Social Studies: Activities to Develop a Sense of Self
By Carla B. Goble Copyright 2018 8-12 Months