18-24 Months
FromInfant-Toddler Social Studies,
Carla Goble
What to have
Photographs from magazines or online of many different families
What to do
Collect photographs from magazines or online that are of many different families and people—including same-sex parents, grandparents raising grandchildren, mixed race families, and families from cultures that reflect those of the children in the classroom. Include people with disabilities, young people, old people, and children. Laminate the photographs. Make a collage or picture wall at the toddlers’ eye level. Talk with the toddlers about things families do together, who the family members are, where they live, what they eat, and how they play. Talk with toddlers about how people look different and about their skin colors, hair, eye shapes and colors, facial features, and other characteristics.
- to promote connections to families
- to promote the development of a positive sense of self
For more activities check out
Infant-Toddler Social Studies: Activities to Develop a Sense of Self
By Carla Goble Copyright 2018 18-24 Months