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Sign to Learn Book and Poster Set
Price: $34.95
Learn how to integrate American Sign Language (ASL) into your classroom to enhance the academic, social, and emotional development of children, and how to respectfully introduce children to Deaf culture. As a form of early communication for infants...
Sign to Learn: American Sign Language in the Early Childhood Classroom
Price: $24.95
Everyone is talking about signing with young children. As a form of early communication for infants and toddlers, or as a transitioning tool for children just beginning to speak, the benefits of signing with hearing children are endless. Inform...
StoryMaking: The Maker Movement Approach to Literacy for Early Learners
Price: $39.95
StoryMaking combines storytelling, the maker movement, the importance of play, and Reggio theory. It’s the practice of communicating in a variety of ways—language, gesture, images—over various systems—visual, audible, physical—and moving children...
Teaching STEM Literacy: A Constructivist Approach for Ages 3 to 8
Price: $39.95
Teaching STEM Literacy is comprised of ready-made, open-ended lessons reviewed and tested by teachers, which help educators integra...
TILLS Student Language Scale
Price: $30.00
This simple one-page checklist can be used as part of the TILLS, other assessments or on its own to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses in language and literacy skills and other non-language areas. Completed by parents, teachers, and student...
User's Guide to the Child/Home Early Language & Literacy Observation
Price: $19.47
Child/Home Early Language and Literacy Observation (CHELLO) is the only observation tool specifically designed to rate the early literacy environment in home-based child care settings. A reliable, field-tested tool derived from the bestselling, cla...
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