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Displaying 349 - 360 of 376 results
Understanding Toddlers & Twos: Winning Ways for Early Childhood Professionals
Author: Gigi Schweikert
Price: $22.95
Learn the essentials of development and the best practices for caring for toddlers and twos. This self-training workbook provides essential information about toddlers' and twos' mobility, language acquisition, and social skills. Practical tips, s...
Van Gogh and the Sunflowers
Author: Laurence Anholt
Price: $8.95
Young Camille befriends a strange visitor to his small town, and one day he brings this man a gift of bright, beautiful sunflowers. The man is the artist Vincent van Gogh, and the sunflowers quickly become the subject of a magnificent painting. This ...
Video Guide and Training Workbook for the ITERS-R
Price: $4.95
This 16 page guide includes training activities, which can be reproduced for use in the classroom for educational purposes only. Each participant will require a personal copy.
Voices are Not for Yelling
Author: Elizabeth Verdick   Illustrated by: Marieka Heinlen
Price: $9.95
Very young children don’t yet have the words to express strong feelings, and they’re still learning social skills. This book helps little ones understand why it’s better to use an indoor voice “so people hear the words and not the yelling” and how to...
Voices Are Not for Yelling/La voz no es para gritar Board Book
Price: $9.95
The toddler years are full of growth and smiles—but also tantrums. Toddlers don’t yet have the words to express strong feelings, and they’re still learning social skills. This bilingual English-Spanish board book helps little ones understand why it’s...
Waiting Is Not Forever / La espera no dura para siempre Board Book
Price: $9.95
In this ninth addition to the Best Behavior® English-Spanish bilingual board book series, Marieka Heinlen’s vivid illustrations of young children interacting with their caregivers and families bring warmth and fun to every page. The book closes with ...
Water Dance
Author: Thomas Locker
Price: $7.95
Poems and stunning oil paintings follow water as it moves through the world via the water cycle. 32 pages
What If Everybody Understood Child Development?
Author: Rae Pica
Price: $28.95
Learn about 29 topics critical to best practices in child development and education. Use the actionable insights from experts on topics such as Common Core, the self-esteem movement, and standardized testing. Start using what we know about child deve...
When Nothing Else Works
Price: $20.97
Learn to utilize a variety of creative strategies and techniques to address and adjust problematic behavior in the classroom. Rather than simply providing solutions for the toughest behavioral problems, learn why certain strategies are successfu...
When Play Isn’t Easy: Helping Children Enter and Sustain Play
Price: $14.95
Play is key to young children's development and one of the most influential ways they learn. Sometimes, though, play isn't easy for children. They may find it hard to fit in, get along, or collaborate with peers. With your help, children can le...
When Play Isn’t Fun: Helping Children Resolve Play Conflicts
Price: $12.95
Play is essential for children's development and as they learn life skills. But some children face challenges when playing with others, and conflicts can erupt over sharing toys, taking turns, and feeling left out. Despite those moments, children...
When Play Isn't Fun / Easy Set
Price: $19.95
Play is vital to children's overall healthy development. Play can be fun, but sometimes it is painful or discouraging. Children might have difficulty joining play or participating in group play, or they might fight or feel left out. These books pro...