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Displaying 133 - 144 of 213 results
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No Biting PowerPoint Training (CD-ROM)
Price: $29.95
The perfect training resource for early childhood centers dealing with young children who bite. Age focus: 0–3 CD-ROM with 40 PowerPoint slides and a 10-page handout.
No Biting Trainers Set
Price: $44.95
Take the time and guesswork out of preparing an effective, high-quality training on strategies and solutions to toddler biting. 200 pages + CD-ROMAge focus: 0–3
Nurturing Brilliance: Using Play-Activated Learning to Awaken Children's Potential
Price: $26.95
Acclaimed educator Sally Haughey has distilled decades of research and experience to create the Play-Activated Learning model for understanding children’s play and learning and nurturing their innate brilliance.
Observations for FCCER-R DVD
Price: $63.95
This multimedia package demonstrates how to use the Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale-Revised Edition(FCCER-R) by Thelma Harms, Debby Cryer, and Richard M. Clifford. Each training package contains an interactive DVD and an instructor's gu...
Oh, those Little Ones! DVD
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $29.00
Watch as Lisa Murphy shows you a hands-on exploration of many activities that are appropriate for the wee ones in your infant and toddler rooms. Special features include a self test, handout, and certification document. 41 minutes. Closed-Capti...
One, Two, What Can I Do?: Dance and Music for the Whole Day
(1 review)
Price: $39.95
Dowload the Song Lyrics Keep the day moving with 109 playful dance activities, each providing children with opportunities to exercise, practice and improve age-appropriate large motor skills, and develop body awareness and control. Enhance child...
Ooey Gooey® Handbook: Identifying and Creating Child-Centered Environments
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $24.95
Find more than 65 hands-on art, science, and outside play activity ideas for creating engaging environments both at home and at school. If you are just beginning your Ooey Gooey® journey, this is a great book to read. It includes an informa...
Ooey Gooey® Set (5 books)
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $110.95
One copy each of The Ooey Gooey Handbook, Ooey Gooey Tooey, Even More Fizzle, Bubble, Pop & Wow! Simple Science Experiments for Young Children. and Lisa Murphy on Play.
Ooey Gooey® Squishy Plop! DVD
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $79.00
This one-of-a-kind workshop will supply you with six tables of hands-on art, science, and sensory play activity ideas as well as the “wolf words” that support their use in your classroom. Special features include a self test, handout, and certi...
Ooey Gooey® Tooey: 140 exciting hands-on activity ideas for young children
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $24.95
140 hands-on activity ideas The highly anticipated sequel to The Ooey Gooey® Handbook, this resource shares 140 activities, art ideas and recipes, and sensory tub concoctions. Age focus: 3-8. Softbound, 204 pgs.
Open-Ended Art for Young Children
Price: $29.95
Authors Dr. Tracy Galuski and Dr. Mary Ellen Bardsley present the challenges teachers encounter when faced with best practices and expectations related to art process and product. Each chapter begins with a classroom vignette that describes the c...
Overcoming Teacher Burnout in Early Childhood: Strategies for Change
Price: $24.95
Personal stories from the field illustrate practical tips to refuel and improve morale in early childhood. Softbound, 152 pgs
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