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Family Child Care Business Receipt Book
Author: Redleaf Press
(1 review)
Price: $15.95
Improve your record keeping with receipts designed specifically for family child care. Carbonless duplicate sets, 50 sets per book, three books per pack, total 150 sets.
Gift Certificate $10.00
Price: $10.00
Our $10.00 gift certificate! We will ship it to you free with a copy of our latest catalog. Or fill in the "Ship to" address, and we'll send it directly to the gift recipient.
Gift Certificate $20.00
Price: $20.00
Our $20.00 gift certificate! We will ship it to you free with a copy of our latest catalog. Or fill in the "Ship to" address, and we'll send it directly to the gift recipient.
Family Child Care Inventory-Keeper: The Complete Log for Depreciating and Insuring Your Property
Author: Tom Copeland
Price: $14.95
This easy-to-use log enables you to track furniture, appliances, and other property you use in your business. Once identified, these items can be depreciated as a business expense and stored with photographs for insurance purposes. 64 pages
Lessons From Turtle Island: Native Curriculum in Early Childhood Classrooms
Price: $29.95
Winner of the Gustavus Myers Outstanding Book Award and Skipping Stones Honor Award. How do you help young children learn more about Native peopls than the cultural stereotypes found in children's books and in the media? Lessons from Turtle Isl...
Family Child Care Mileage-Keeper: The Complete Mileage Log
Author: Redleaf Press
Price: $7.95
Now, keeping track of business mileage is a snap. This mileage-log includes plenty of space for recording repairs, tolls, parking, and more. It includes enough pages for one year of records. You can easily carry it in your glove compartment or you...
More Than Painting: Exploring the Wonders of Art in Preschool and Kindergarten
Price: $29.95
Create an art-rich classroom with more than 100 activities described in this useful book. In addition to the activities, the book addresses how teachers can talk with children about their art, the stages in a child's artistic development, and ho...
More Than Singing: Discovering Music in Preschool and Kindergarten
Price: $32.95
Do you wonder if "The Wheels on the Bus" and rhythm bands are the only way to share music with kids? More Than Singing is the book for you! This book features more than 100 musical activities; it has ideas for creating songs, instruments, musi...
Parent/Provider Policies (5-pack) forms only
Author: Redleaf Press
Price: $7.95
Create a thorough parent agreement covering illness, substitute care, caregiving routines, discipline, and more! This easy-to-use, two-part carbonless form can be used alone or with the Parent Contract (see Sharing in the Caring), which is part of...
Sharing in the Caring, [10 sets]: Family Day Care Parent-Provider Agreement Packet
Author: Redleaf Press
Price: $12.95
Establish a good business relationship from the start and enhance your professional image. This parent-provider agreement packet has ten formal two-part agreement forms. You fill in contract terms for rates, holidays, vacations, payment dates, and ...
Sharing in the Caring, [5 sets]: Family Child Care Parent-Provider Agreement Packet
Author: Redleaf Press
(1 review)
Price: $9.95
Establish a good business relationship from the start and enhance your professional image. This parent-provider agreement packet has five formal two-part agreement forms. You fill in the contract terms for rates, holidays, vacations, payment dates,...
Sharing in the Caring Sample Packet: Family Day Care Parent-Provider Agreement Packet
Author: Redleaf Press
Price: $5.95
This sample packet has a formal two-part agreement form with instructions and examples for how to fill in contract terms for rates, holidays, vacations, payment dates, and illness. Find a complete explanation on using contracts and policies effecti...
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