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Acting Out! Avoid Behavior Challenges with Active Learning Games and Activities
Author: Rae Pica
Price: $26.95
Current policies in the early childhood field ask teachers to treat children as though they exist from the neck up—even though research clearly demonstrates that the mind-body connection is vital to development. Rae Pica, founder and director of Rae ...
I'm OK! Building Resilience through Physical Play
Author: Jarrod Green
Price: $24.95
Children must learn to pick themselves up, brush themselves off, and bounce back. But how do you allow for the physicality required to build resilience when you are tasked with children’s safety? This guide provides the tools and strategi...
Body Care: A Whole Health Curriculum for Young Children series
Price: $14.95
Learning to lead a healthy lifestyle begins during the early years. Part of the Growing, Growing Strong series, this body care curriculum includes activities and background information to help children develop lifelong healthy habits. 88 pag...
Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Stds; Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs, Fourth Edition
Price: $66.95
Get the Latest Guidelines on the Development and Evaluation of the Health and Safety of Children. 10 chapters of more than 650 standards and dozens of appendixes with valuable supplemental information, forms, and tools Signs and Symptoms Chart, Reco...
Those Ooey Gooey Winky Blinky but . . . Invisible Pinkeye Germs/Esos pringosos viscosos pestañeantes parpadeantes pero . . . invisibles gérmenes que causan conjuntivitis
Author: Judith Anne Rice   Illustrator: Julie Ann Stricklin
Price: $10.99
The fourth title in the bestselling Children's Health Series from Redleaf Press, Those Ooey Gooey Winky Blinky but...Invisible Pinkeye Germs is another fun and informative book explaining germs kids can't see. Children will learn how pinkeye germs...
Infants: Physical Development DVD
Price: $77.32
Watch as infants begin to explore their world and reach different milestones along the way. Learn how a baby's brain develops, what activities help stimulate healthy brain growth, and the importance of proper nutrition and sleep during the first...
Adventures in Risky Play: What is Your Yes?
Author: Rusty Keeler
Price: $33.95
Adventures in Risky Play: What is Your Yes? goes to the heart of risk-taking and children. As educators working with young children, we all have boundaries and feelings around what risky play is allowed. Rusty Keeler invites us to examine the cage of...
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