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Kindercoding Unplugged: Screen-Free Activities for Beginners
Price: $34.95
Kindergarten teacher Deanna Pecaski McLennan, PhD, takes readers on a journey through her own kindergarten classroom and how she’s actively cultivating computational thinking in her students through a Reggio Emilia lens and emergent curriculum.
Young Architects at Play: STEM Activities for Young Children
Author: Ann Gadzikowski
Price: $34.95
Througout the book, Ann Gadzikowski makes meaningful connections between STEM learning and the power of stories, both the children's own narratives as well as the rich diversity of stories and illustrations from children's literature.
More Than Series (Set of 5)
Price: $149.95
This popular child-centered, intergrated, curriculum addresses five important early learning areas: math, art, music, science, and reading and writing. 5-book set.
ArtMaking: Using Picture Books to Read Our World
Price: $39.95
In ArtMaking children are invited to "read their worlds" as they learn about images, explore materials and elements of art (color, lines, shapes, textures, spaces, design) and communicate their thinking through their own art processes and products. A...
Ooey Gooey® Squishy Plop! DVD
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $79.00
This one-of-a-kind workshop will supply you with six tables of hands-on art, science, and sensory play activity ideas as well as the “wolf words” that support their use in your classroom. Special features include a self test, handout, and certi...
I Like Myself: Fostering Positive Racial Identity in Young Black Children
Price: $29.95
I Like Myself provides lesson planning insights and academic activities that are designed to facilitate positive racial identity in Black children. Supplementing and complementing any curriculum, this critical resource provides information across soc...
Routines and Transitions: A Guide for Early Childhood Professionals
Price: $34.95
In early childhood settings, children spend over 50 percent of their time on handwashing, dressing, napping, and other routines and transitions. Turn these routine daily activities into learning experiences. By using transitions wisely, you not ...
Teaching STEM in the Early Years: Activities for Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Second Edition
Price: $44.95
Stimulate and engage children's thinking as you integrate STEM experiences throughout your early childhood program.
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