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Displaying 277 - 288 of 305 results
Gardening with Young Children: Second Edition of Hollyhocks and Honeybees
Price: $29.95
Gardens are where children's imaginations engage nature, and the result is joyful learning. Use this book to explore the unique and expansive learning opportunities offered by gardening with children—green thumb or the perfect plot of land n...
Focused Portfolios: A Complete Assessment for the Young Child, Second Edition
Price: $39.95
Newly updated with current best practices in observation and assessment using portfolios. Age Focus: 0-5 years Softbound, 272 pages
Embracing Rough-and-Tumble Play: A Family Companion [25 pack]
Author: Mike Huber
Price: $24.95
Help families learn about the importance of rough and tumble play for all children. This companion to Embracing Rough-and-Tumble Play will help families feel more comfortable with physical play and their children’s safety. Pamphlet, 12 pgs. Pa...
Sheep in a Jeep
Author: Nancy E Shaw   Illustrated by: Margo Apple
Price: $7.95
Out for a drive in the country, Nancy Shaw and Margot Apple's well-known and beloved sheep run into some mishaps with their sturdy red jeep. 26 pages
Discovering Nature with Young Children Teacher's Guide
Price: $25.95
Let's do real science! Discovering Nature with Young Children is an inquiry-based curriculum that builds on children's natural curiosity about the living world. The curriculum guide helps you prepare yourself and and your classroom for a new a...
Routines and Transitions: A Guide for Early Childhood Professionals
Price: $34.95
In early childhood settings, children spend over 50 percent of their time on handwashing, dressing, napping, and other routines and transitions. Turn these routine daily activities into learning experiences. By using transitions wisely, you not ...
Winning Ways: Set 3
Price: $21.95
Get all three Winning Ways Behavior books, includingSupporting Positive Behavior,Guiding Challenging Behavior, and Responding to Behavior 3 Softbound workbooks, 80 pages each.
Happiness is Running Through the Streets to Find You: Translating Traumaís Harsh Legacy into Healing
Price: $23.95
In her personal memoir, Holly Elissa Bruno shares her childhood experience of trauma and abuse with you to offer a beacon of hope.
Reflection, Perspective-Taking, and Social Justice: Stories of Empathy and Kindness in the Early Childhood Classroom
Price: $24.95
This inspirational book brings readers inside the school to aid them in their own personal and professional reflections on practices and ways of being with children in this shared journey towards a better world.?
No Biting Trainers Set
Price: $44.95
Take the time and guesswork out of preparing an effective, high-quality training on strategies and solutions to toddler biting. 200 pages + CD-ROMAge focus: 0–3
Inquiry-Based Early Learning Environments: Creating, Supporting, and Collaborating
Author: Susan Stacey
Price: $39.95
An in-depth look at children's inquiry and effects of environment in early childhood settings. Age Focus: 3–6 years Softbound, 168 pgs Full Color
Those Ooey Gooey Winky Blinky but . . . Invisible Pinkeye Germs/Esos pringosos viscosos pestañeantes parpadeantes pero . . . invisibles gérmenes que causan conjuntivitis
Author: Judith Anne Rice   Illustrator: Julie Ann Stricklin
Price: $10.99
The fourth title in the bestselling Children's Health Series from Redleaf Press, Those Ooey Gooey Winky Blinky but...Invisible Pinkeye Germs is another fun and informative book explaining germs kids can't see. Children will learn how pinkeye germs...