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ROW Collection Set
Price: $138.95
The Reimagining Our Work (ROW) collection is a series of stories written by early childhood educators that illuminate the pedagogical approach described in the foundational text From Teaching to Thinking.
Dribble Drabble: Process Art Experiences for Young Children
Price: $17.95
Creative art should offer children the opportunities for originality, creativity, fluency, flexibility, and sensitivity. Covering a w...
Designs for Living and Learning and Learning Together with Young Children Set
Price: $89.95
The Designs for Living and Learning Set includes two powerful books by Deb Curtis and Margie Carter, best-selling authors in the early learning field. Designs for Living and Learning: Transforming Early Childhood Environments explores ways you can...
Teaching Twos and Threes: A Comprehensive Curriculum
Author: Deborah Falasco
Price: $24.47
Working with two- and three-year-olds is an important job, one that will influence children's lifelong learning. With strategies to plan a developmentally appropriate program, build positive relationships with young children, and support young chi...
Exploring the 3-D World: Developing Spatial and Math Skills in Young Children
Price: $34.95
Help develop young children's spatial reasoning and math skills through play. 184 pages.
Child/Home Early Language & Literacy Observation Tool
Price: $16.22
Child/Home Early Language and Literacy Observation (CHELLO) is the only observation tool specifically designed to rate the early literacy environment in home-based child care settings. A reliable, field-tested tool derived from the classroom-focus...
Healthy Children, Healthy Lives Training and Resources
Price: $69.91
Seven complete PowerPoint presentations Give your team members the knowledge they need to support and increase the wellness of the children and families in your program. Present information to help staff members, stakeholders, and families unde...
Recipes for Messy Play
Author: Cathy Sheppard
Price: $17.95
Messy play is one of the great joys of early childhood. This book uses 40 fun, open-ended, and creative recipes for children to build literacy, numeracy, and social-emotional skills. Easel backed, self-standing package, for easy reading. 48 pages...
Jump Right In: Physical Activity and Fitness
Price: $15.98
A training program on children's physical activity and fitness. Give staff members the knowledge they need to support and increase the wellness of the children and families in their program. This two-hour training provides an introductory lo...
Creative Art with Young Children! DVD
Author: Lisa Murphy
Price: $39.00
In this workshop Lisa Murphy will defend a very strong process-oriented art position. After a discussion about what “process not product” really means, participants will have time to create with various media in order to reinforce the importanc...
More Than Singing: Discovering Music in Preschool and Kindergarten
Price: $32.95
Do you wonder if "The Wheels on the Bus" and rhythm bands are the only way to share music with kids? More Than Singing is the book for you! This book features more than 100 musical activities; it has ideas for creating songs, instruments, musi...
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