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Displaying 157 - 168 of 348 results
Teaching in the Digital Age for Preschool and Kindergarten: Enhancing Curriculum with Technology
Author: Brian Puerling
Price: $27.97
Teaching in the Digital Age for Preschool and Kindergarten guides teachers toward integrating technology across the curriculum so it can have an authentic, meaningful, and developmentally appropriate impact on children’s exploration and learn...
Inspiring Wonder, Awe, and Empathy: Spiritual Development in Young Children
Author: Deborah Schein
Price: $17.97
Inspiring Wonder, Awe, and Empathy offers a series of best practices for child care providers to nurture a child’s spiritual development—an extension of social-emotional learning. The book helps educators introduce young children to a syste...
Twelve Essential Topics in Early Childhood: A Year of Professional Development for Staff Meetings
Price: $49.95
Now anyone involved in the professional development of others in early childhood can prepare a full year of high-quality meetings and experiences. Twelve Essential Topics in Early Childhood includes an agenda and outline for each topic, along...
Emergent Curriculum in Early Childhood Settings 2nd Edition: From Theory to Practice
Author: Susan Stacey
Price: $32.95
Develop a curriculum inspired by children’s emerging interests. This book explores the components of emergent curriculum and how its practices can improve the educational culture of early childhood programs. The updated edition includes new inf...
PLAYbook: Everyday Curriculum for Infants and Toddlers
Author: Terrie Rose
Price: $699.95
PLAYbook translates the most current research and best-practice strategies into predictable daily activities. And it is aligned with early learning standards and assessment systems! PLAYbook organizes your classroom and your child care center. I...
Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale 3rd Edition
Price: $28.95
Building on extensive feedback from the field as well as vigorous new research on how best to support infant and toddler development and learning, the authors have revised and updated the widely used Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale. ITERS-...
Really Seeing Children
Author: Deb Curtis
Price: $33.95
Deb Curtis has cultivated a reflective teaching practice devoted to really seeing children. Through her collection of stories and photographs, learn to suspend your adult agenda to really see children’s perspectives and the amazing ways they experien...
Anti-Bias Curriculum for the Preschool Classroom
Price: $34.95
The YWCA Minneapolis Early Childhood Education’s anti-bias, play-based curriculum is a framework that can be used independently or within another curriculum. Age focus: 3-5 Softbound, 160 pages Available August 2020
Early Childhood Staff Orientation Guide [set of 3]
Author: Sharon Bergen
Price: $39.95
Orientation to a new position, classroom, or an entirely new program is an opportunity to start off on the right foot. Working with children is fun, but also complex and requires knowledge of health and safety practices, child development, gui...
Early Childhood Staff Orientation Guide Set
Author: Sharon Bergen
Price: $49.95
This set includes one each of the following titles: Early Childhood Staff Orientation Guide, Facilitators Edition Valuable tools and tips for the professional welcoming new employees to their organization. The companion to the Early Childhood...
Redleaf FCC Curriculum Development Assessment Starter Set
Price: $19.95
This sets includes one of each of the following: The Redleaf Family Child Care Curriculum Developmental Assessment Revised Edition This revised edition lays out the milestones and provides space to record the dates when the child begins moving t...
ASQ SE 2 Learning Activities & More
Price: $49.95
Enhance the social-emotional development of infants and young children with this treasure trove of learning activities, handouts, and more! Specially developed to complement ASQ:SE-2, this essential resource makes it a snap to share practical social-...