18-24 Months
FromInfant and Toddler Experiences,
Fran Hast and Ann Hollyfield
What to have
- Lengths of string about 12 inches long for each color of paint used; have extras available. (A “handle” may be made by taping one end of the string, but be aware that the toddlers may try to paint with it; it can draw attention away from the string manipulation.)
- Washable powdered tempera paint in various colors.
- Glue.
- Liquid starch.
- Paper of various sizes, shapes, and colors.
- Wax paper or plastic lids to place strings on between uses.
- Spray bottles and towels for clean up.
- Smocks or paint shirts.
- Shallow bowls or trays for the paint.
What to do
- Mix the washable powdered tempera with water, glue, or starch to a fairly thick (pudding-like) consistency. The first time you do this experience, you may have to experiment a bit to find the thickness that works for you.
- Put each color of paint in a shallow bowl or pan so it’s easy to dip strings into it.
- Set up space for four toddlers to paint at a table. Have several lengths of string and colors of paint and paper available so you can offer each toddler a choice of materials.
- Have smocks or paint shirts ready, or plan to take children’s clothes off to keep them from getting paint-smeared.
- As children come to the table to paint, explain that painting with string is another way to put paint onto the paper.
- Allow the toddlers to choose the paint color, string, and paper they want to begin with.
- Instead of trying to show them how to paint with the string, let them experiment and watch what they do.
Gives Toddlers practice in two-handed manipulation and hand-eye coordination
For more activities check out
Infant and Toddler Experiences:
By Fran Hast and Ann Hollyfield Copyright 1999 18-24 Months