18-24 Months
FromBaby Steps to STEM, Jean Barbre
What to have - masking tape - scissors - items found on a nature walk for decorating the bracelet
What to do Measure and cut a piece of masking tape to fit loosely around a toddler’s wrist. Tape the ends together, sticky side out. Go for a walk outdoors and invite the children to pick up fallen flowers or leaves and place them on the sticky side of the tape. Ask them to smell the flowers and leaves that they found. Ask them to describe what they see and smell. Remind them not to put any of the flowers or leaves in their mouths. Hint: If you are working with infants, you may want to put the tape on your own wrist, so they can see what you’ve collected. Be sure to closely supervise young children to make sure they don’t place small objects in their mouths.
Why Children will explore and gain a respect for the outdoor environment and an awareness of living things, such as plants and flowers. They will explore elements of both life science and earth science.
For more activities check out Baby Steps to STEM: Infant and Toddler Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Activities
By Jean Barbre Copyright 2017 18-24 Months