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Baby Bubble Fun

Orange Peel


FromActivities for Responsive Caregiving,  Jean Barbre

What to have – Fresh oranges – Cutting board – Paper napkins Suggested Books – Mouse’s First Day of School by Lauren Thompson – My Five Senses by Aliki – My Five Senses by Margaret Miller – White Rabbit’s Color Book by Alan Baker

What to do Let the children feel and smell the oranges before you peel them. Talk about the round shape of the oranges, the bumpy surface, the navel, and the orange color. Be sure to wash each orange before you peel and serve it. Begin to slowly peel the orange and describe what you are doing. Describe the inner flesh and juicy portion of the fruit. Pass the peel around for the children to feel and smell. Serve pieces of the fruit as a snack. Read the suggested books, introduce the vocabulary words, and sing and chant with the children.

Why LEARNING OUTCOMES Social-Emotional Development – Relationships with adults – Relationships with peers – Sharing Physical Development - Perception – Fine-motor skills Cognitive Development – Memory – Spatial awareness – Connecting experiences Language Development - Connecting words with real-world knowledge – Receptive language – Expressive language – Concept words

For more activities check out
Activities for Responsive Caregiving: Infants, Toddlers, and Twos

By Jean Barbre Copyright 2013 2-Year

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