About the Author:

Rachel Robertson, MA, is the vice president of learning and development for Bright Horizons Family Solutions and was named a Promising Emerging Leader in 2015 by Exchange. She has more than twenty years of experience in the education field and has served as a professional development and education quality consultant, classroom teacher, center director, and quality and training manager. She is the author of numerous early childhood articles and presents professional development seminars at national conferences. Rachel holds a master’s degree in early childhood education. She is the author of When You Just Have to Roar!, A Teacher’s Promise, Tommy Tries Again, coauthor of Prove It!: Achieving Quality Recognition for Your Early Childhood Program, and Healthy Children, Healthy Lives and its seven-part training and resource series.

Rachel Robertson 's Books

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  • When You Just Have To Roar!

    Author: Rachel Robertson   Illustrated by: Priscilla Prentice

    Product Code:
    543628 (Hardcover)
    543635 (e-book)
    978-1-60554-362-8 (Hardcover)
    978-1-60554-363-5 (e-book)
    Age Focus: 3-6
    Full Color

    Description & More Details

    Published by Redleaf Press free sample chapter

    In When You Just Have to Roar!, for one reason or another, Ms. Mya's classroom is just not clicking. As the day quickly fills with commotion, Ms. Mya knows that she must do something. So she gathers the children together and begins a discussion about classroom expectations. After a lot of brainstorming and some practice, Ms. Mya and the children establish a list of things they can all do to make the classroom a happier place. Finally, the classroom begins to click again, and the children learn that expectations can be a good thing.

    Age focus: 3–6. Hardcover, 32 pgs.

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