About the Author:

Zachary Stier, EdD 's Books

  • Creativity in Young Children: What Science Tells Us and Our Hearts Know

    Authors: Zachary Stier, EdD, Thomas Rendon

    Product Code:
    548111 (Softbound)
    978-1-60554-811-1 (Softbound)
    Age Focus: 0-8

    Description & More Details

    Follow the authors of Creativity in Young Children on a journey of curiosity as they unlock the secrets of creativity, deepening understanding of the “what” of creativity, its connections to child development, and how it shapes and is shaped by the people, communities, and world around us. Featuring seven Big Ideas about creativity, case studies, and the authors’ personal stories, the book is a call to action to change how we raise, nurture, and teach our children to honor their innate creativity.

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