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The Very Busy Spider
Author: Eric Carle
Price: $11.95
Early one morning a little spider spins her web on a fence post. One by one, the animals of the nearby farm try to distract her, yet the busy little spider keeps diligently at her work. When she is done, she is able to show everyone that not only is ...
Van Gogh and the Sunflowers
Author: Laurence Anholt
Price: $8.95
Young Camille befriends a strange visitor to his small town, and one day he brings this man a gift of bright, beautiful sunflowers. The man is the artist Vincent van Gogh, and the sunflowers quickly become the subject of a magnificent painting. This ...
Voices are Not for Yelling
Author: Elizabeth Verdick   Illustrated by: Marieka Heinlen
Price: $9.95
Very young children don’t yet have the words to express strong feelings, and they’re still learning social skills. This book helps little ones understand why it’s better to use an indoor voice “so people hear the words and not the yelling” and how to...
Voices Are Not for Yelling/La voz no es para gritar Board Book
Price: $9.95
The toddler years are full of growth and smiles—but also tantrums. Toddlers don’t yet have the words to express strong feelings, and they’re still learning social skills. This bilingual English-Spanish board book helps little ones understand why it’s...
Waiting Is Not Forever / La espera no dura para siempre Board Book
Price: $9.95
In this ninth addition to the Best Behavior® English-Spanish bilingual board book series, Marieka Heinlen’s vivid illustrations of young children interacting with their caregivers and families bring warmth and fun to every page. The book closes with ...
Water Dance
Author: Thomas Locker
Price: $7.95
Poems and stunning oil paintings follow water as it moves through the world via the water cycle. 32 pages
When You Just Have To Roar!
Author: Rachel Robertson   Illustrated by: Priscilla Prentice
Price: $17.95
In When You Just Have to Roar!, for one reason or another, Ms. Mya's classroom is just not clicking. As the day quickly fills with commotion, Ms. Mya knows that she must do something. So she gathers the children together and begins a discussion a...
Whoever You Are/Quienquiera Que Seas
Author: Mem Fox   Illustrator: Leslie Staub
Price: $6.95
“Little one, / whoever you are, / wherever you are, / there are little ones / just like you / all over the world.” So begins the Australian author Mem Fox’s joyful picture book Whoever You Are, a celebration of the world’s diverse cultures, both our ...
Who's in My Family? All About Families
Author: Robie H. Harris   Illustrated by: Nadine Bernard Westcott
Price: $17.95
Join Nellie and Gus and their family—plus all manner of other families—for a day at the zoo, where they see animal families galore! To top off their day, Nellie and Gus invite friends and relatives for a fun dinner at home. Accessible, hu...
Why Am I Blue?: A Story about Being Yourself
Author: Kalli Dakos   Illustrated by: Viviana Garofoli
Price: $15.95
When a frog questions why he is blue and not green like the other frogs, his friends try to make him see how special being blue is. He comes to understand that he is blue because he is blue and that’s enough of an answer. This is a sweet story about ...
Why Do Leaves Change Color?
Author: Betsy Maestro   Illustrated by: Loretta Krupinski
Price: $8.95
It's fall! The leaves are changing color. This Let's-Read-and-Find-Out picture book explains the magical process of how leaves change their color in autumn. Now rebranded with a new cover look, this classic picture book features graceful text and si...
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