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Teaching in the Digital Age PowerPoint
Author: Brian Puerling
Price: $9.99
The book Teaching in the Digital Age provides a framework for integrating technology and interactive media tools into the classroom. This CD-ROM—perfect to use with pre-service and in-service educators—includes eight PowerPoint presen...
Teaching STEM in the Early Years: Activities for Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Second Edition
Price: $44.95
Stimulate and engage children's thinking as you integrate STEM experiences throughout your early childhood program.
Teaching STEM Outdoors: Activities for Young Children
Price: $34.95
Nurture young children’s innate tendencies toward exploration, sensory stimulation, and STEM learning when you connect outdoor learning with STEM curriculum. Discover the developmental benefits of outdoor learning and how the rich diversity of ...
The Unscripted Classroom: Emergent Curriculum in Action
Author: Susan Stacey
Price: $29.95
Emergent curriculum encourages you to use creativity and flexibility as you respond to classroom challenges and children's interests. Filled with case studies and stories from toddler and preschool teachers about their experiences responding to ev...
When Nothing Else Works
Price: $20.97
Learn to utilize a variety of creative strategies and techniques to address and adjust problematic behavior in the classroom. Rather than simply providing solutions for the toughest behavioral problems, learn why certain strategies are successfu...
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