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Displaying 253 - 264 of 313 results
Saving Play: Addressing Standards through Play-Based Learning in Preschool and Kindergarten
Price: $34.95
Play, academics, and standards can work together with the right strategies and support from educators. Take an active role in child-directed play to guide learning. Become a strong advocate for saving play in early childhood education. This boo...
School Age Rating Scale Updated
Price: $28.95
This updated edition includes 47 items to evaluate the quality of your after-school program. Improved scoring and assessment in areas such as space and furnishings, health and safety, activities, program structure, staff development, and more.
Seeing Ourselves in the Nature: Stories from Educators and Children of Indigenous, Black and Other People of the Global Majority
Price: $39.95
In A Partnership with Nature, author Jessica Fong asks how Black and Brown educators in the United States create space for predominantly Black and Brown children and families to reconnect to nature.
Sign Language Card Set
Price: $21.95
Teaching infants, toddlers and preschoolers modified sign language can ease communciation frustration and enhance education for all children. The Sign Language Cards Set give early childhood professionals and families simple directions on how to use ...
Sign Language Cards for Infants and Toddlers
Price: $14.95
Forty commonly used American Sign Language words with simple directions on how to use, and the benefits of, sign language with infants and toddlers.Age focus: 0–340 ring bound, laminated cards
Sign Language Cards for Preschoolers
Price: $12.95
Forty commonly used American Sign Language words with simple directions on how to use, and the benefits of, sign language with preschoolers.Age focus: 3–5.40 ring bound, laminated cards
Sign Through the Day
Price: $17.95
Present the most practical and commonly used ASL signs with this attractive, convenient poster. Teachers and children alike will use the instructive reminders daily. 18" x 24" laminated poster
Sign to Learn Book and Poster Set
Price: $34.95
Learn how to integrate American Sign Language (ASL) into your classroom to enhance the academic, social, and emotional development of children, and how to respectfully introduce children to Deaf culture. As a form of early communication for infants...
Sign to Learn: American Sign Language in the Early Childhood Classroom
Price: $24.95
Everyone is talking about signing with young children. As a form of early communication for infants and toddlers, or as a transitioning tool for children just beginning to speak, the benefits of signing with hearing children are endless. Inform...
Sign with Me the ABCs: Sign Language Cards for Preliteracy
Price: $12.95
Use sign language to help young children develop emerging literacy skills. Age focus 3–5. 40 laminated cards.
Sky Above and the Mud Below: Lessons from Nature Preschools and Forest Kindergartens
Author: David Sobel
Price: $39.95
David Sobel’s follow-up to Nature Preschools and Forest Kindergartens walks readers through the nitty-gritty facts of running a nature-based program. Age focus: 3–8. Softbound, 264 pages.
Social and Emotional Well-Being: A Whole Health Curriculum for Young Children series
Price: $14.95
Learning to lead a healthy lifestyle begins during the early years. Part of the Growing, Growing Strong series, this body care curriculum includes activities and background information to help children develop lifelong healthy habits. 88 pages ...