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Redleaf FCC Curriculum Development Assessment, Revised Edition
Price: $16.95
Each child develops at a different rate, so it is important to view this development against a series of benchmarks or milestones. By recording a child's progress through a series of milestones, you can determine if the child is on track and de...
Planning for Play, Observation, and Learning in Preschool and Kindergarten
Author: Gaye Gronlund
Price: $34.95
Play is an important vehicle for learning in the early years. With intentional planning frameworks, Planning for Play, Observation, and Learning in Preschool and Kindergarten provides tools and strategies to organize and develop curriculum around...
Reflecting Children's Lives, 2nd Edition: A Handbook for Planning Child-Centered Curriculum
Price: $34.95
Make the complex task of creating a child-centered curriculum easier with the practical guidelines and ideas in this updated and expanded handbook. Learn how to sharpen your observation and documentation skills, set up your space, and transform yo...
The Unscripted Classroom: Emergent Curriculum in Action
Author: Susan Stacey
Price: $29.95
Emergent curriculum encourages you to use creativity and flexibility as you respond to classroom challenges and children's interests. Filled with case studies and stories from toddler and preschool teachers about their experiences responding to ev...
High-Quality Early Childhood Programs: The What, Why, and How
Price: $32.95
Early childhood experts Laura J. Colker and Derry Koralek offer detailed descriptions of what one should see in high-quality programs (and why) to provide a strong foundation of child development knowledge and principles translated into pr...
Lessons From Turtle Island: Native Curriculum in Early Childhood Classrooms
Price: $29.95
Winner of the Gustavus Myers Outstanding Book Award and Skipping Stones Honor Award. How do you help young children learn more about Native peopls than the cultural stereotypes found in children's books and in the media? Lessons from Turtle Isl...
Emergent Set
Author: Susan Stacey
Price: $53.95
Take an exploratory look at the components of emergent curriculum and how its practices and principles can improve the learning culture of early childhood programs. Emergent curriculum is a philosophy that unites children's interests with the educ...
RIGOROUS DAP in the Early Years: From Theory to Practice
Price: $24.47
In this day and age of high-stakes academic testing and accountability, children are expected to know more and more at a younger and younger age. Early childhood educators struggle to help children meet academic expectations while teaching in a d...
Early Learning Theories Made Visible
(1 review)
Price: $39.95
Go beyond reading about early learning theories and see what they look like in action in modern programs and teacher practices. With classroom vignettes and colorful photographs, this book makes the works of Jean Piaget, Erik Erikson, Lev Vy...
Preschoolers and Kindergartners Moving and Learning:A Physical Education Curriculum
Author: Rae Pica
Price: $26.95
Physical education is a critical part of every early childhood curriculum. Children need to move to channel their energies in creative, beneficial ways and to learn habits for lifelong health and fitness. Preschoolers and Kindergartners Moving & L...
Loose Parts in Action: The Essential How-To Guide
Author: Lisa Daly
Price: $22.95
Take loose parts from inspiration to implementation with this practical, easy-to-use loose parts manual. Loose Parts in Action provides specific instructions and a step-by-step process for infusing loose parts into early learning environments, to mak...
Anti-Bias Curriculum for the Preschool Classroom
Price: $34.95
The YWCA Minneapolis Early Childhood Education’s anti-bias, play-based curriculum is a framework that can be used independently or within another curriculum. Age focus: 3-5 Softbound, 160 pages Available August 2020
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